from typing import Union
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats
from ..parameters import Parameter
from .base import DiscreteTransition
class DiscreteRandomWalkTransition(DiscreteTransition):
This transition is based on a discrete random walk. This may be useful
for discrete ordinal parameter distributions that can be described as
lying on the grid of integers.
.. note::
This transition does not adapt to the problem structure and thus has
potentially slow convergence.
Further, the transition does not satisfy proposal >> prior, so that
it is indeed not valid as an importance sampling distribution. This
can be overcome by selecting the number of steps as a random variable.
n_steps: int, optional (default = 1)
Number of random walk steps to take.
def __init__(
n_steps: int = 1,
p_l: float = 1.0 / 3,
p_r: float = 1.0 / 3,
p_c: float = 1.0 / 3,
self.n_steps = n_steps
self.p_l = p_l
self.p_r = p_r
self.p_c = p_c
def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, w: np.ndarray):
def rvs_single(self) -> Parameter:
# take a step
dim = len(self.X.columns)
step = perform_random_walk(
dim, self.n_steps, self.p_l, self.p_r, self.p_c
# select a start point
start_point = self.X.sample(weights=self.w).iloc[0]
# create randomized point
perturbed_point = start_point + step
return Parameter(perturbed_point)
def pdf(
self, x: Union[Parameter, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]
) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]:
Evaluate the probability mass function (PMF) at `x`.
# convert to numpy array in correct order
if isinstance(x, (Parameter, pd.Series)):
x = np.array([x[key] for key in self.X.columns])
x = x[self.X.columns].to_numpy()
if not np.all(np.isclose(x, x.astype(int))):
raise ValueError(
f"Transition can only handle integer values, not fulfilled "
f"by x={x}."
if len(x.shape) == 1:
return self._pdf_single(x)
return np.array([self._pdf_single(xi) for xi in x])
def _pdf_single(self, x: np.ndarray):
p = 0.0
for start, weight in zip(self.X.values, self.w):
# probability if started from start
p_start = calculate_single_random_walk_probability(
start, x, self.n_steps, self.p_l, self.p_r, self.p_c
# add p_start times the weight associated to p_start
p += p_start * weight
return p
def perform_random_walk(dim, n_steps, p_l, p_r, p_c):
Perform a random walk in [-1, 0, 1] in each dimension, for `n_steps`
state = np.zeros(dim)
for _ in range(n_steps):
# sample a step
step = np.random.choice(a=[-1, 0, 1], p=[p_l, p_c, p_r], size=dim)
state += step
return state
def calculate_single_random_walk_probability(
p_l: float = 1.0 / 3,
p_r: float = 1.0 / 3,
p_c: float = 1.0 / 3,
Calculate the probability of getting from state `start` to state `end`
in `n_steps` steps, where the probabilities for a left, right, and
no step are `p_l`, `p_r`, `p_c`, respectively.
step = end - start
p = 1.0
for step_j in step:
p_j = 0.0
for n_r in range(max(int(step_j), 0), n_steps + 1):
n_l = n_r - step_j
n_c = n_steps - n_r - n_l
p_j += stats.multinomial.pmf(
x=[n_l, n_r, n_c], n=n_steps, p=[p_l, p_r, p_c]
p *= p_j
return p
def calculate_single_random_walk_probability_no_stay(start, end, n_steps):
Calculate the probability of getting from state `start` to state `end`
in `n_steps` steps. Simplified formula assuming the probability to remain
in a given state is zero in each iteration, i.e. that in every step
there is a move to the left or right.
Note that the iteration of this transition is not surjective on the grid
in dimension dim >= 2.
step = end - start
p = 1.0
for step_j in step:
if (step_j + n_steps) % 2 != 0:
# impossible to get there
return 0.0
n_r = int(0.5 * (n_steps + step_j))
p_j = stats.binom.pmf(n=n_steps, p=0.5, k=n_r)
p *= p_j
return p