Source code for pyabc.external.r.r_rpy2

"""Interface to R via rpy2"""

import logging
import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ...parameters import Parameter

logger = logging.getLogger("ABC.External")

    from rpy2.robjects import (
except ImportError:
    ListVector = conversion = r = None
    default_converter = numpy2ri = pandas2ri = None

def _dict_to_named_list(dct):
    if (
        isinstance(dct, dict)
        or isinstance(dct, Parameter)
        or isinstance(dct, pd.core.series.Series)
        dct = dict(dct.items())
        # convert numbers, numpy arrays and pandas dataframes to builtin
        # types before conversion (see rpy2 #548)
        with conversion.localconverter(
            default_converter + pandas2ri.converter + numpy2ri.converter
            for key, val in dct.items():
                dct[key] = conversion.py2rpy(val)
        r_list = ListVector(dct)
        return r_list
    return dct

# The way unpickling is done is not optimal
# The objects reloaded when reading the source again will be different
# from the unpickled objects.
# This might cause problems if the R code relies on side effects/
# On the other hand, this might be the intended behavior, if for example
# one of the objects is modified by hand within Python.

[docs] class R: """Interface to R via rpy2. .. note:: The rpy2 package needs to be installed to interface with the R language. Installation of rpy2 is optional if R support is not required. See also :ref:`installation of optional dependencies <install-optional>`. .. note:: Support of R via rpy2 is considered experimental for various reasons (see #116). Should this not work on your system, consider accessing R script-based. Parameters ---------- source_file: Path to the file which contains the definitions for the model, the summary statistics and the distance function as well as the observed data. """
[docs] def __init__(self, source_file: str): if r is None: raise ImportError("Install rpy2, e.g. via `pip install pyabc[R]`") warnings.warn( "The support of R via rpy2 is considered experimental.", stacklevel=2, ) self.source_file = source_file self._read_source()
def __getstate__(self): return self.source_file def __setstate__(self, state): self.source_file = state self._read_source() def _read_source(self): r.source(self.source_file)
[docs] def display_source_ipython(self): """Display source code as syntax highlighted HTML within IPython.""" import IPython.display as display from pygments import highlight from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter from pygments.lexers import SLexer with open(self.source_file) as f: code = formatter = HtmlFormatter() return display.HTML( '<style type="text/css">{}</style>{}'.format( formatter.get_style_defs('.highlight'), highlight(code, SLexer(), formatter), ) )
[docs] def model(self, function_name: str): """ The R-model. Parameters ---------- function_name: str Name of the function in the R script which defines the model. Returns ------- model: callable The model. """ model = r[function_name] def model_py(par): return model(_dict_to_named_list(par)) model_py.__name__ = function_name # set reference to this class to ensure the source file is # read again when unpickling model_py._R = self return model_py
[docs] def distance(self, function_name: str): """ The R-distance function. Parameters ---------- function_name: str Name of the function in the R script which defines the distance function. Returns ------- distance: callable The distance function. """ distance = r[function_name] def distance_py(*args): args = tuple(_dict_to_named_list(d) for d in args) return float(np.array(distance(*args))) distance_py.__name__ = function_name # set reference to this class to ensure the source file is # read again when unpickling distance_py._R = self return distance_py
[docs] def summary_statistics( self, function_name: str, is_py_model: bool = False ): """ The R-summary statistics. Parameters ---------- function_name: str Name of the function in the R script which defines the summary statistics function. is_py_model: bool Whether or not the model result is a python object. If True, then it is expected to be a dictionary that will be converted to a ListVector. Returns ------- summary_statistics: callable The summary statistics function. """ summary_statistics = r[function_name] summary_statistics.__name__ = function_name # set reference to this class to ensure the source file is # read again when unpickling summary_statistics._R = self if is_py_model: def summary_statistics_py(model_output): return summary_statistics(_dict_to_named_list(model_output)) return summary_statistics_py return summary_statistics
[docs] def observation(self, name: str): """ The summary statistics of the observed data as defined in R. Parameters ---------- name: str Name of the named list defined in the R script which holds the observed data. Returns ------- observation: r named list A dictionary like object which holds the summary statistics of the observed data. """ obs = r[name] # set reference to this class to ensure the source file is # read again when unpickling obs._r = self return obs