Source code for pyabc.weighted_statistics.weighted_statistics

from functools import wraps

import numpy as np

def weight_checked(function):
    Function decorator to check normalization of weights.

    def function_with_checking(points, weights=None, **kwargs):
        if weights is not None and not np.isclose(weights.sum(), 1):
            raise AssertionError(f"Weights not normalized: {weights.sum()}.")
        return function(points, weights, **kwargs)

    return function_with_checking

[docs] @weight_checked def weighted_quantile(points, weights=None, alpha=0.5): """ Compute the weighted alpha-quantile. E.g. alpha = 0.5 -> median. """ # sort input and set weights sorted_indices = np.argsort(points) points = points[sorted_indices] if weights is None: len_points = len(points) weights = np.ones(len_points) / len_points else: weights = weights[sorted_indices] cs = np.cumsum(weights) quantile = np.interp(alpha, cs - 0.5 * weights, points) return quantile
[docs] @weight_checked def weighted_median(points, weights): """ Compute the weighted median (i.e. 0.5 quantile). """ return weighted_quantile(points, weights, alpha=0.5)
[docs] @weight_checked def weighted_mean(points: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray): """Compute the weighted mean. Parameters ---------- points: Parameter samples, shape (n_sample,) or (n_sample, n_par). weights: Weights, shape (n_sample,) or (n_sample, 1). Returns ------- mean: The mean, shape () or (n_par,). """ return (points * weights).sum(axis=0)
[docs] def weighted_var(points, weights): """Compute the weighted variance. See `weighted_mean` for docs. """ mean = weighted_mean(points, weights) return ((points - mean) ** 2 * weights).sum(axis=0)
[docs] def weighted_std(points, weights): """Compute the weighted standard deviation. See `weighted_mean` for docs. """ return np.sqrt(weighted_var(points, weights))
[docs] def weighted_mse(points, weights, refval): """Compute the weighted mean square error.""" var = weighted_var(points, weights) bias = weighted_mean(points, weights) - refval return var + bias**2
[docs] def weighted_rmse(points, weights, refval): """Compute the weighted root mean square error.""" return np.sqrt(weighted_mse(points, weights, refval))
[docs] def effective_sample_size(weights): """Effective sample size. Compute the effective sample size of weighted points sampled via importance sampling according to the formula .. math:: n_\\text{eff} = \\frac{(\\sum_{i=1}^nw_i)^2}{\\sum_{i=1}^nw_i^2} Parameters ---------- weights: Importance sampling weights. """ weights = np.asarray(weights) n_eff = np.sum(weights) ** 2 / np.sum(weights**2) return n_eff
[docs] def resample(points, weights, n): """ Resample from weighted samples. Parameters ---------- points: The random samples. weights: Weights of each sample point. n: Number of samples to resample. Returns ------- resampled: A total of `n` points sampled from `points` with putting back according to `weights`. """ weights = np.asarray(weights) weights /= np.sum(weights) resampled = np.random.choice(points, size=n, p=weights) return resampled
[docs] def resample_deterministic(points, weights, n, enforce_n=False): """ Resample from weighted samples in a deterministic manner. Essentially, multiplicities are picked as follows: The weights are multiplied by the target number `n` and rounded to the nearest integer, potentially with correction if `enforce_n`. Parameters ---------- points: The random samples. weights: Weights of each sample point. n: Number of samples to resample. enforce_n: Whether to enforce the returned array to have length `n`. If not, its length can be slightly off, but it may be more representative. Returns ------- resampled: A total of (roughly) `n` points resampled from `points` deterministically using a rational representation of the `weights`. """ weights = np.asarray(weights) numbers_f = weights * (n / np.sum(weights)) numbers = np.round(numbers_f) # enforce return array length if enforce_n and np.sum(numbers) != n: residuals = numbers_f - numbers # sort the residuals mon. inc. order = np.argsort(residuals) # increment numbers with largest offsets while np.sum(numbers) < n: numbers[order[-1]] += 1 order = order[:-1] # decrement numbers with largest negative offsets while np.sum(numbers) > n: numbers[order[0]] -= 1 order = order[1:] resampled = [] for i, ni in enumerate(numbers): resampled.extend([points[i]] * int(ni)) return resampled