Source code for pyabc.visualization.walltime

"""Walltime plots"""

import datetime
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Union

import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator

    import plotly.graph_objs as go

from import History
from .util import get_labels, to_lists

SECOND = 's'
MINUTE = 'm'
HOUR = 'h'
DAY = 'd'

def _prepare_plot_total_walltime(
    histories: Union[List[History], History],
    labels: Union[List, str],
    unit: str,
    # preprocess input
    histories = to_lists(histories)
    labels = get_labels(labels, len(histories))
    n_run = len(histories)

    # check time unit
    if unit not in TIME_UNITS:
        raise AssertionError(f"`unit` must be in {TIME_UNITS}")

    # extract total walltimes
    walltimes = []
    for h in histories:
        abc = h.get_abc()
        walltimes.append((abc.end_time - abc.start_time).total_seconds())
    walltimes = np.asarray(walltimes)

    # apply time unit
    if unit == MINUTE:
        walltimes /= 60
    elif unit == HOUR:
        walltimes /= 60 * 60
    elif unit == DAY:
        walltimes /= 60 * 60 * 24

    return labels, n_run, walltimes

[docs] def plot_total_walltime( histories: Union[List[History], History], labels: Union[List, str] = None, unit: str = 's', rotation: int = 0, title: str = "Total walltimes", size: tuple = None, ax: mpl.axes.Axes = None, ) -> mpl.axes.Axes: """Plot total walltimes, for each history one single-color bar. Parameters ---------- histories: The histories to plot from. History ids must be set correctly. labels: Labels corresponding to the histories. If None are provided, indices are used as labels. unit: Time unit to use ('s', 'm', 'h', 'd' as seconds, minutes, hours, days). rotation: Rotation to apply to the plot's x tick labels. For longer labels, a tilting of 45 or even 90 can be preferable. title: Title for the plot. size: tuple of float, optional The size of the plot in inches. Returns ------- A reference to the axis of the generated plot. """ # preprocess input labels, n_run, walltimes = _prepare_plot_total_walltime( histories=histories, labels=labels, unit=unit ) # create figure if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = ax.get_figure() # plot bars, height=walltimes, label=labels) # prettify plot ax.set_xticks(np.arange(n_run)) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=rotation) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel("Run") ax.set_ylabel(f"Time [{unit}]") if size is not None: fig.set_size_inches(size) fig.tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def plot_total_walltime_plotly( histories: Union[List[History], History], labels: Union[List, str] = None, unit: str = 's', rotation: int = 0, title: str = "Total walltimes", size: tuple = None, fig: "go.Figure" = None, ) -> "go.Figure": """Plot total walltimes using plotly.""" import plotly.graph_objects as go # preprocess input labels, n_run, walltimes = _prepare_plot_total_walltime( histories=histories, labels=labels, unit=unit ) # create figure if fig is None: fig = go.Figure() # plot bars fig.add_trace(go.Bar(x=np.arange(n_run), y=walltimes)) # prettify plot fig.update_layout( xaxis={ 'tickmode': 'array', 'tickvals': np.arange(n_run), 'ticktext': labels, 'tickangle': rotation, }, title=title, xaxis_title="Run", yaxis_title=f"Time [{unit}]", ) if size is not None: fig.update_layout(width=size[0], height=size[1]) return fig
def _prepare_walltime( histories: Union[List[History], History], show_calibration: bool, ): # preprocess input histories = to_lists(histories) # show calibration if that makes sense if show_calibration is None: show_calibration = any( h.get_all_populations().samples[0] > 0 for h in histories ) # extract start times and end times start_times = [] end_times = [] for h in histories: # start time start_times.append(h.get_abc().start_time) # end times end_times.append(h.get_all_populations().population_end_time) return start_times, end_times, show_calibration
[docs] def plot_walltime( histories: Union[List[History], History], labels: Union[List, str] = None, show_calibration: bool = None, unit: str = 's', rotation: int = 0, title: str = "Walltime by generation", size: tuple = None, ax: mpl.axes.Axes = None, ) -> mpl.axes.Axes: """Plot walltimes, with different colors indicating different iterations. Parameters ---------- histories: The histories to plot from. History ids must be set correctly. labels: Labels corresponding to the histories. If None are provided, indices are used as labels. show_calibration: Whether to show the calibration iteration (-1). Defaults to whether there are samples in the calibration iteration. unit: Time unit to use ('s', 'm', 'h', 'd' as seconds, minutes, hours, days). rotation: Rotation to apply to the plot's x tick labels. For longer labels, a tilting of 45 or even 90 can be preferable. title: Title for the plot. size: tuple of float, optional The size of the plot in inches. ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The axis object to use. Returns ------- ax: A reference to the axis of the generated plot. """ # preprocess input start_times, end_times, show_calibration = _prepare_walltime( histories=histories, show_calibration=show_calibration ) return plot_walltime_lowlevel( end_times=end_times, start_times=start_times, labels=labels, show_calibration=show_calibration, unit=unit, rotation=rotation, title=title, size=size, ax=ax, )
[docs] def plot_walltime_plotly( histories: Union[List[History], History], labels: Union[List, str] = None, show_calibration: bool = None, unit: str = 's', rotation: int = 0, title: str = "Walltime by generation", size: tuple = None, fig: "go.Figure" = None, ) -> "go.Figure": """Plot walltimes using plotly.""" # preprocess input start_times, end_times, show_calibration = _prepare_walltime( histories=histories, show_calibration=show_calibration ) return plot_walltime_lowlevel_plotly( end_times=end_times, start_times=start_times, labels=labels, show_calibration=show_calibration, unit=unit, rotation=rotation, title=title, size=size, fig=fig, )
def _prepare_plot_walltime_lowlevel( end_times: List, start_times: Union[List, None] = None, labels: Union[List, str] = None, show_calibration: bool = None, unit: str = 's', ): # preprocess input end_times = to_lists(end_times) labels = get_labels(labels, len(end_times)) n_run = len(end_times) # check start times if start_times is None: if show_calibration: raise AssertionError( "To plot the calibration iteration, start times are needed." ) # fill in dummy times which will not be used anyhow start_times = [ for _ in range(n_run)] # check time unit if unit not in TIME_UNITS: raise AssertionError(f"`unit` must be in {TIME_UNITS}") # extract relative walltimes walltimes = [] for start_t, end_ts in zip(start_times, end_times): times = [start_t, *end_ts] # compute stacked differences diffs = [end - start for start, end in zip(times[:-1], times[1:])] # as seconds diffs = [diff.total_seconds() for diff in diffs] # append walltimes.append(diffs) walltimes = np.asarray(walltimes) # create matrix n_pop = max(len(wt) for wt in walltimes) matrix = np.zeros((n_pop, n_run)) for i_run, wt in enumerate(walltimes): matrix[: len(wt), i_run] = wt if not show_calibration: matrix = matrix[1:, :] # apply time unit if unit == MINUTE: matrix /= 60 elif unit == HOUR: matrix /= 60 * 60 elif unit == DAY: matrix /= 60 * 60 * 24 return matrix, labels, n_run
[docs] def plot_walltime_lowlevel( end_times: List, start_times: Union[List, None] = None, labels: Union[List, str] = None, show_calibration: bool = None, unit: str = 's', rotation: int = 0, title: str = "Walltime by generation", size: tuple = None, ax: mpl.axes.Axes = None, ) -> mpl.axes.Axes: """Low-level access to `plot_walltime`. Directly define `end_times` and `start_times`. """ # preprocess input matrix, labels, n_run = _prepare_plot_walltime_lowlevel( end_times=end_times, start_times=start_times, labels=labels, show_calibration=show_calibration, unit=unit, ) # create figure if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = ax.get_figure() # plot bars for i_pop in reversed(range(matrix.shape[0])): pop_ix = i_pop - 1 if not show_calibration: pop_ix = i_pop x=np.arange(n_run), height=matrix[i_pop, :], bottom=np.sum(matrix[:i_pop, :], axis=0), label=f"Generation {pop_ix}", ) # prettify plot ax.set_xticks(np.arange(n_run)) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=rotation) ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel("Run") ax.set_ylabel(f"Time [{unit}]") ax.legend() if size is not None: fig.set_size_inches(size) fig.tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def plot_walltime_lowlevel_plotly( end_times: List, start_times: Union[List, None] = None, labels: Union[List, str] = None, show_calibration: bool = None, unit: str = 's', rotation: int = 0, title: str = "Walltime by generation", size: tuple = None, fig: "go.Figure" = None, ) -> "go.Figure": """Low-level access to `plot_walltime_plotly`.""" import plotly.graph_objects as go # preprocess input matrix, labels, n_run = _prepare_plot_walltime_lowlevel( end_times=end_times, start_times=start_times, labels=labels, show_calibration=show_calibration, unit=unit, ) # create figure if fig is None: fig = go.Figure() # plot bars for i_pop in reversed(range(matrix.shape[0])): pop_ix = i_pop - 1 if not show_calibration: pop_ix = i_pop fig.add_trace( go.Bar( x=np.arange(n_run), y=matrix[i_pop, :], name=f"Generation {pop_ix}", offsetgroup=0, base=np.sum(matrix[:i_pop, :], axis=0), ) ) # prettify plot fig.update_layout( xaxis_title="Run", yaxis_title=f"Time [{unit}]", title=title, xaxis_tickvals=np.arange(n_run), xaxis_ticktext=labels, xaxis_tickangle=rotation, legend_title="Generation", ) if size is not None: fig.update_layout(width=size[0], height=size[1]) return fig
def _prepare_plot_eps_walltime( histories: Union[List[History], History], ): # preprocess input histories = to_lists(histories) # extract end times and epsilons end_times = [] eps = [] for h in histories: # end times end_times.append(h.get_all_populations().population_end_time) eps.append(h.get_all_populations().epsilon.to_numpy()) return end_times, eps
[docs] def plot_eps_walltime( histories: Union[List[History], History], labels: Union[List, str] = None, colors: List[Any] = None, group_by_label: bool = True, indicate_end: bool = True, unit: str = 's', xscale: str = 'linear', yscale: str = 'log', title: str = "Epsilon over walltime", size: tuple = None, ax: mpl.axes.Axes = None, ) -> mpl.axes.Axes: """Plot epsilon values (y-axis) over the walltime (x-axis), iterating over the generations. Parameters ---------- histories: The histories to plot from. History ids must be set correctly. labels: Labels corresponding to the histories. If None are provided, indices are used as labels. colors: One color for each history. group_by_label: Whether to group colors (unless explicitly provided) and legends by label. indicate_end: Whether to indicate the final time by a line. unit: Time unit to use ('s', 'm', 'h', 'd' as seconds, minutes, hours, days). xscale: Scale of the x-axis. Use matplotlib's notation. yscale: Scale of the y-axis. Use matplotlib's notation. title: Title for the plot. size: tuple of float, optional The size of the plot in inches. ax: matplotlib.axes.Axes, optional The axis object to use. Returns ------- A reference of the plot object. """ # preprocess input end_times, eps = _prepare_plot_eps_walltime(histories=histories) return plot_eps_walltime_lowlevel( end_times=end_times, eps=eps, labels=labels, colors=colors, group_by_label=group_by_label, indicate_end=indicate_end, unit=unit, xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale, title=title, size=size, ax=ax, )
[docs] def plot_eps_walltime_plotly( histories: Union[List[History], History], labels: Union[List, str] = None, colors: List[Any] = None, group_by_label: bool = True, indicate_end: bool = True, unit: str = 's', xscale: str = 'linear', yscale: str = 'log', title: str = "Epsilon over walltime", size: tuple = None, fig: "go.Figure" = None, ) -> "go.Figure": """Plot epsilon values over walltime using plotly.""" # preprocess input end_times, eps = _prepare_plot_eps_walltime(histories=histories) return plot_eps_walltime_lowlevel_plotly( end_times=end_times, eps=eps, labels=labels, colors=colors, group_by_label=group_by_label, indicate_end=indicate_end, unit=unit, xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale, title=title, size=size, fig=fig, )
def _prepare_plot_eps_walltime_lowlevel( end_times: List, eps: List, labels: Union[List, str], colors: List[Any], group_by_label: bool, unit: str, ): # preprocess input end_times = to_lists(end_times) labels = get_labels(labels, len(end_times)) n_run = len(end_times) if group_by_label: if colors is None: colors = [] color_ix = -1 for ix, label in enumerate(labels): if label not in labels[:ix]: color_ix += 1 colors.append(f"C{color_ix}") labels = [ x if x not in labels[:ix] else None for ix, x in enumerate(labels) ] if colors is None: colors = [None] * n_run # check time unit if unit not in TIME_UNITS: raise AssertionError(f"`unit` must be in {TIME_UNITS}") # extract relative walltimes walltimes = [] for end_ts in end_times: # compute differences to base diffs = end_ts[1:] - end_ts[0] # as seconds diffs = [diff.total_seconds() for diff in diffs] # append walltimes.append(diffs) # disregard calibration epsilon (inf) eps = [ep[1:] for ep in eps] return walltimes, eps, labels, colors, n_run
[docs] def plot_eps_walltime_lowlevel( end_times: List, eps: List, labels: Union[List, str] = None, colors: List[Any] = None, group_by_label: bool = True, indicate_end: bool = True, unit: str = 's', xscale: str = 'linear', yscale: str = 'log', title: str = "Epsilon over walltime", size: tuple = None, ax: mpl.axes.Axes = None, ) -> mpl.axes.Axes: """Low-level access to `plot_eps_walltime`. Directly define `end_times` and `eps`. Note that both should be arrays of the same length and at the beginning include a value for the calibration iteration. This is just what `pyabc.History.get_all_populations()` returns. The first time is used as the base time differences to which are plotted. The first epsilon is ignored. """ # preprocess input ( walltimes, eps, labels, colors, n_run, ) = _prepare_plot_eps_walltime_lowlevel( end_times=end_times, eps=eps, labels=labels, colors=colors, group_by_label=group_by_label, unit=unit, ) # create figure if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots() else: fig = ax.get_figure() for wt, ep, label, color in zip(walltimes, eps, labels, colors): wt = np.asarray(wt) # apply time unit if unit == MINUTE: wt /= 60 elif unit == HOUR: wt /= 60 * 60 elif unit == DAY: wt /= 60 * 60 * 24 # plot ax.plot(wt, ep, label=label, marker='o', color=color) if indicate_end: ax.axvline(wt[-1], linestyle='dashed', color=color) # prettify plot if n_run > 1: ax.legend() ax.set_title(title) ax.set_xlabel(f"Time [{unit}]") ax.set_ylabel("Epsilon") ax.set_xscale(xscale) ax.set_yscale(yscale) # enforce integer ticks ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(integer=True)) if size is not None: fig.set_size_inches(size) fig.tight_layout() return ax
[docs] def plot_eps_walltime_lowlevel_plotly( end_times: List, eps: List, labels: Union[List, str] = None, colors: List[Any] = None, group_by_label: bool = True, indicate_end: bool = True, unit: str = 's', xscale: str = 'linear', yscale: str = 'log', title: str = "Epsilon over walltime", size: tuple = None, fig: "go.Figure" = None, ) -> "go.Figure": """Plot epsilon values over walltime using plotly.""" import plotly.graph_objects as go # preprocess input walltimes, eps, labels, colors, _ = _prepare_plot_eps_walltime_lowlevel( end_times=end_times, eps=eps, labels=labels, colors=colors, group_by_label=group_by_label, unit=unit, ) # create figure if fig is None: fig = go.Figure() for wt, ep, label in zip(walltimes, eps, labels): wt = np.asarray(wt) # apply time unit if unit == MINUTE: wt /= 60 elif unit == HOUR: wt /= 60 * 60 elif unit == DAY: wt /= 60 * 60 * 24 # plot fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=wt, y=ep, name=label, mode='lines+markers', ) ) if indicate_end: # add a vertical line from minimum to maximum value fig.add_shape( type="line", x0=wt[-1], y0=ep[-1], x1=wt[-1], y1=ep[0], line={ 'width': 1, 'dash': "dash", }, ) # prettify plot fig.update_layout( title=title, xaxis_title=f"Time [{unit}]", yaxis_title="Epsilon", xaxis_type=xscale, yaxis_type=yscale, ) if size is not None: fig.update_layout(width=size[0], height=size[1]) return fig