Source code for pyabc.visualization.sankey

"""Sensitivity sankey flow plot."""

from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np

    import plotly.graph_objects as go
except ImportError:

import pyabc.distance
import pyabc.predictor
import pyabc.sumstat
import pyabc.util

from . import colors

[docs] def plot_sensitivity_sankey( info_sample_log_file: str, t: Union[int, str], h:, predictor: pyabc.predictor.Predictor, par_trafo: pyabc.util.ParTrafoBase = None, sumstat: pyabc.sumstat.Sumstat = None, subsetter: pyabc.sumstat.Subsetter = None, feature_normalization: str = pyabc.distance.InfoWeightedPNormDistance.MAD, normalize_by_par: bool = True, fd_deltas: Union[List[float], float] = None, scale_weights: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = None, title: str = "Data-parameter sensitivities", width: float = None, height: float = None, sumstat_color: Callable[[str], str] = None, par_color: Callable[[str], str] = None, node_kwargs: dict = None, layout_kwargs: dict = None, ): """Plot sensitivity matrix as a Sankey flow plot. This visualization allows to analyze the parameter-data relationships, unraveling how informative data points are considered, and of which parameters. We use `plotly` to generate this plot, which may need to be separately installed, e.g. via `pip install plotly`. Customization of e.g. colors, to group by e.g. observable or parameter, is easily possible, however at the moment not implemented. To store the generated figure, use e.g. `fig.write_image({filename}.{format})`. Parameters ---------- info_sample_log_file: Base of summary statistics, parameters, and weights files names containing samples used for model training, e.g. as generated via the `info_sample_log_file` argument of :class:`pyabc.distance.InfoWeightedPNormDistance`. t: Time point at which the training was performed. Can also be an `info_log_file`, from which then the latest time is extracted. h: History object. Required to extract observed data. predictor: Predictor model. par_trafo: Parameter transformations applied. Should be the same as applied for generation of the training sample. sumstat: Summary statistic used on the raw model outputs. Defaults to identity. subsetter: Subset generation method used. Defaults to identity. feature_normalization: Feature normalization method, as in :class:`pyabc.distance.InfoWeightedPNormDistance`. normalize_by_par: Whether to normalize sensitivities by parameter (transformation). fd_deltas: Finite difference step sizes to evaluate. scale_weights: Scale weights. Only needed if `feature_normalization is "weights"`. title: Plot title. width: Plot width. height: Plot height. sumstat_color: Callable assigning a color code for a given flattened summary statistic id. par_color: Callable assigning a color code for a given parameter or parameter transformation id. node_kwargs: Arguments for `go.Sankey.nodes`. layout_kwargs: Arguments for `fig.update_layout`. Returns ------- fig: Generated figure. """ # default arguments if par_trafo is None: par_trafo = pyabc.util.ParTrafo() if sumstat is None: sumstat = pyabc.sumstat.IdentitySumstat() if subsetter is None: subsetter = pyabc.sumstat.IdSubsetter() if node_kwargs is None: node_kwargs = {} node_kwargs_all = { "pad": 15, "thickness": 20, "line": { "color": "black", "width": 0.5, }, } node_kwargs_all.update(node_kwargs) if layout_kwargs is None: layout_kwargs = {} layout_kwargs_all = { "title_x": 0.5, "font_size": 12, "template": "simple_white", } layout_kwargs_all.update(layout_kwargs) # extract latest fitting time point if not isinstance(t, int): info_dict = t = max(info_dict.keys()) # initialize objects sample = pyabc.Sample.from_population(h.get_population(t=max(0, t - 1))) data = h.observed_sum_stat() sumstat.initialize(t=0, get_sample=lambda: sample, x_0=data, total_sims=0) par_keys = list(h.get_distribution()[0].columns) par_trafo.initialize(keys=par_keys) # read training samples sumstats, parameters, weights = [ np.load(f"{info_sample_log_file}_{t}_{var}.npy") for var in ["sumstats", "parameters", "weights"] ] s_0 = sumstat(data) # normalize data ret = pyabc.distance.InfoWeightedPNormDistance.normalize_sample( sumstats=sumstats, parameters=parameters, weights=weights, s_0=s_0, t=t, subsetter=subsetter, feature_normalization=feature_normalization, scale_weights=scale_weights, ) x, y, weights, use_ixs, x0 = ( ret[key] for key in ("x", "y", "weights", "use_ixs", "x0") ) # learn predictor model, y=y, w=weights) # calculate all sensitivities of the predictor at the observed data sensis = pyabc.distance.InfoWeightedPNormDistance.calculate_sensis( predictor=predictor, fd_deltas=fd_deltas, x0=x0, n_x=x.shape[1], n_y=y.shape[1], par_trafo=par_trafo, normalize_by_par=normalize_by_par, ) # plot stuff n_in, n_out = sensis.shape # define links via lists of sources, targets, and values indicating # connection strengths source = [] target = [] value = [] node_label = [*sumstat.get_ids(), *par_trafo.get_ids()] for i_in in range(n_in): for i_out in range(n_out): source.append(i_in) target.append(n_in + i_out) value.append(sensis[i_in, i_out]) # node colors sumstat_color_dict = {} def default_sumstat_color(id_: str): # extract summary statistic name base = id_.split(":")[0] if base in sumstat_color_dict: return sumstat_color_dict[base] i = len(sumstat_color_dict) color = getattr( colors, f"{colors.REDSORANGES[i % len(colors.REDSORANGES)]}400", ) sumstat_color_dict[base] = color return color par_color_dict = {} def default_par_color(id_: str): # extract parameter base name # this may require customization if "^" in id_: base = id_.split("^")[0] elif "(" in id_: base = id_.split("(")[1].split(")")[0] else: base = id_.split("_")[0] if base in par_color_dict: return par_color_dict[base] i = len(par_color_dict) color = getattr( colors, f"{colors.GREENSBLUES[i % len(colors.GREENSBLUES)]}400", ) par_color_dict[base] = color return color if sumstat_color is None: sumstat_color = default_sumstat_color if par_color is None: par_color = default_par_color node_color = [ *[sumstat_color(id_) for id_ in sumstat.get_ids()], *[par_color(id_) for id_ in par_trafo.get_ids()], ] # generate figure fig = go.Figure( data=[ go.Sankey( node={ "label": node_label, "color": node_color, **node_kwargs_all, }, link={ "source": source, "target": target, "value": value, }, ), ], ) # layout prettifications fig.update_layout( title_text=title, width=width, height=height, **layout_kwargs_all, ) return fig