Source code for pyabc.visualization.credible

"""Bayesian credible interval plots"""

from typing import List, Union

import matplotlib.axes
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D

from import History
from ..transition import MultivariateNormalTransition, Transition
from ..weighted_statistics import weighted_quantile
from .util import get_labels, to_lists

def _prepare_credible_intervals(
    history: History,
    m: int,
    ts: Union[List[int], int],
    par_names: List,
    levels: List,
    show_mean: bool,
    show_kde_max: bool,
    show_kde_max_1d: bool,
    kde: Transition,
    kde_1d: Transition,
    if levels is None:
        levels = [0.95]
    levels = sorted(levels)

    if par_names is None:
        # extract all parameter names
        df, _ = history.get_distribution(m=m)
        par_names = list(df.columns.values)

    # dimensions
    n_par = len(par_names)
    n_confidence = len(levels)
    if ts is None:
        ts = list(range(0, history.max_t + 1))
    n_pop = len(ts)

    # prepare matrices
    cis = np.empty((n_par, n_pop, 2 * n_confidence))
    median = np.empty((n_par, n_pop))
    mean = np.empty((n_par, n_pop))
    kde_max = np.empty((n_par, n_pop))
    kde_max_1d = np.empty((n_par, n_pop))
    if kde is None and show_kde_max:
        kde = MultivariateNormalTransition()
    if kde_1d is None and show_kde_max_1d:
        kde_1d = MultivariateNormalTransition()

    # fill matrices
    # iterate over populations
    for i_t, t in enumerate(ts):
        df, w = history.get_distribution(m=m, t=t)
        # normalize weights to be sure
        w /= w.sum()
        # fit kde
        if show_kde_max:
            _kde_max_pnt = compute_kde_max(kde, df, w)
        # iterate over parameters
        for i_par, par in enumerate(par_names):
            # as numpy array
            vals = np.array(df[par])
            # median
            median[i_par, i_t] = compute_quantile(vals, w, 0.5)
            # mean
            if show_mean:
                mean[i_par, i_t] = np.sum(w * vals)
            # kde max
            if show_kde_max:
                kde_max[i_par, i_t] = _kde_max_pnt[par]
            if show_kde_max_1d:
                _kde_max_1d_pnt = compute_kde_max(kde_1d, df[[par]], w)
                kde_max_1d[i_par, i_t] = _kde_max_1d_pnt[par]
            # levels
            for i_c, confidence in enumerate(levels):
                lb, ub = compute_credible_interval(vals, w, confidence)
                cis[i_par, i_t, i_c] = lb
                cis[i_par, i_t, -1 - i_c] = ub

    return (

[docs] def plot_credible_intervals( history: History, m: int = 0, ts: Union[List[int], int] = None, par_names: List = None, levels: List = None, colors: List = None, color_median: str = None, show_mean: bool = False, color_mean: str = None, show_kde_max: bool = False, color_kde_max: str = None, show_kde_max_1d: bool = False, color_kde_max_1d: str = None, size: tuple = None, refval: dict = None, refval_color: str = 'C1', kde: Transition = None, kde_1d: Transition = None, arr_ax: List[matplotlib.axes.Axes] = None, ): """Plot credible intervals over time. Parameters ---------- history: The history to extract data from. m: The id of the model to plot for. ts: The time points to plot for. par_names: The parameter to plot for. If None, then all parameters are used. levels: Confidence intervals to compute. Default is [0.95]. colors: Colors to use for the errorbars. color_median: Color to use for the median line. show_mean: Whether to show the mean apart from the median as well. color_mean: Color to use for the mean. show_kde_max: Whether to show the one of the sampled points that gives the highest KDE value for the specified KDE. Note: It is not attemtped to find the overall hightest KDE value, but rather the sampled point with the highest value is taken as an approximation (of the MAP-value). color_kde_max: Color to use for KDE max value. show_kde_max_1d: Same as `show_kde_max`, but here the KDE is applied component-wise. color_kde_max_1d: Color to use for the KDE max value. size: Size of the plot. refval: A dictionary of reference parameter values to plot for each of `par_names`. refval_color: Color to use for the reference value. kde: The KDE to use for `show_kde_max`. Defaults to :class:`pyabc.MultivariateNormalTransition`. kde_1d: The KDE to use for `show_kde_max_1d`. Defaults to :class:`pyabc.MultivariateNormalTransition`. arr_ax: Array of axes to use. Assumed to be a 1-dimensional list. Returns ------- arr_ax: Array of generated axes. """ # prepare data ( par_names, levels, n_par, n_confidence, n_pop, ts, cis, median, mean, kde_max, kde_max_1d, ) = _prepare_credible_intervals( history=history, m=m, ts=ts, par_names=par_names, levels=levels, show_mean=show_mean, show_kde_max=show_kde_max, show_kde_max_1d=show_kde_max_1d, kde=kde, kde_1d=kde_1d, ) if colors is None: colors = [None for _ in range(len(levels))] if color_median is None: color_median = colors[0] # prepare axes if arr_ax is None: _, arr_ax = plt.subplots( nrows=n_par, ncols=1, sharex=False, sharey=False, figsize=size ) if not isinstance(arr_ax, (list, np.ndarray)): arr_ax = [arr_ax] fig = arr_ax[0].get_figure() # plot for i_par, (par, ax) in enumerate(zip(par_names, arr_ax)): for i_c, confidence in reversed(list(enumerate(levels))): ax.errorbar( x=range(n_pop), y=median[i_par].flatten(), yerr=[ median[i_par] - cis[i_par, :, i_c], cis[i_par, :, -1 - i_c] - median[i_par], ], color=color_median, ecolor=colors[i_c], capsize=(5.0 / n_confidence) * (i_c + 1), label="{:.2f}".format(confidence), ) ax.set_title(f"Parameter {par}") # mean if show_mean: ax.plot( range(n_pop), mean[i_par], 'x-', label="Mean", color=color_mean ) # kde max if show_kde_max: ax.plot( range(n_pop), kde_max[i_par], 'x-', label="Max KDE", color=color_kde_max, ) if show_kde_max_1d: ax.plot( range(n_pop), kde_max_1d[i_par], 'x-', label="Max KDE 1d", color=color_kde_max_1d, ) # reference value if refval is not None: ax.hlines( refval[par], xmin=0, xmax=n_pop - 1, color=refval_color, label="Reference value", ) ax.set_xticks(range(n_pop)) ax.set_xticklabels(ts) ax.set_ylabel(par) ax.legend() # format arr_ax[-1].set_xlabel("Population t") if size is not None: fig.set_size_inches(size) fig.tight_layout() return arr_ax
[docs] def plot_credible_intervals_plotly( history: History, m: int = 0, ts: Union[List[int], int] = None, par_names: List = None, levels: List = None, colors=None, size: tuple = None, refval: dict = None, refval_color: str = 'gray', kde: Transition = None, kde_1d: Transition = None, ): """Plot credible intervals over time using plotly.""" import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.colors import DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS from plotly.subplots import make_subplots # prepare data ( par_names, levels, n_par, _, n_pop, ts, cis, median, _, _, _, ) = _prepare_credible_intervals( history=history, m=m, ts=ts, par_names=par_names, levels=levels, show_mean=False, show_kde_max=False, show_kde_max_1d=False, kde=kde, kde_1d=kde_1d, ) # create figure fig = make_subplots(rows=n_par, cols=1, shared_xaxes=True) opacities = [1 for _ in range(len(levels))] # colors if colors is None: colors = DEFAULT_PLOTLY_COLORS[0] colors = [colors for _ in range(len(levels))] # opacities opacities = np.linspace(1, 0.3, len(levels)) # plot for i_par, par in enumerate(par_names): showlegend = i_par == 0 for i_c, confidence in reversed(list(enumerate(levels))): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=ts, y=median[i_par].flatten(), error_y={ 'type': 'data', 'symmetric': False, 'array': cis[i_par, :, i_c] - median[i_par], 'arrayminus': median[i_par] - cis[i_par, :, -1 - i_c], }, mode='lines+markers', marker={'color': colors[i_c]}, opacity=opacities[i_c], name="{:.2f}".format(confidence), showlegend=showlegend, ), row=i_par + 1, col=1, ) # reference value if refval is not None: fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=ts, y=[refval[par]] * n_pop, mode='lines', marker={'color': refval_color}, name="Reference value", showlegend=showlegend, ), row=i_par + 1, col=1, ) # y axis label fig.update_yaxes(title_text=par, row=i_par + 1, col=1) # set size if size is not None: fig.update_layout(width=size[0], height=size[1]) return fig
[docs] def plot_credible_intervals_for_time( histories: Union[List[History], History], labels: Union[List[str], str] = None, ms: Union[List[int], int] = None, ts: Union[List[int], int] = None, par_names: List[str] = None, levels: List[float] = None, show_mean: bool = False, show_kde_max: bool = False, show_kde_max_1d: bool = False, size: tuple = None, rotation: int = 0, refvals: Union[List[dict], dict] = None, kde: Transition = None, kde_1d: Transition = None, ): """ Plot credible intervals over time. Parameters ---------- histories: The histories to extract data from. labels: Labels for the histories. If None, they are just numbered. ms: List of the ids of the models to plot for. Default is model id 0 for all histories. ts: The time points to plot for, same length as histories. If None, the last times are taken. par_names: The parameter to plot for. If None, then all parameters are used. Assumes all histories have these parameters. levels: Confidence intervals to compute. show_mean, show_kde_max, show_kde_max_1d: As in `plot_credible_intervals`. size: Size of the plot. refvals: A dictionary of reference parameter values to plot for each of `par_names`, for each history. Same length as histories. kde: The KDE to use for `show_kde_max`. kde_1d: The KDE to use for `show_kde_max_1d`. """ histories = to_lists(histories) labels = get_labels(labels, len(histories)) n_run = len(histories) if ms is None: ms = [0] * n_run elif not isinstance(ms, list) or len(ms) == 1: ms = [ms] * n_run if levels is None: levels = [0.95] levels = sorted(levels) if par_names is None: # extract all parameter names df, _ = histories[0].get_distribution(m=ms[0]) par_names = list(df.columns.values) n_par = len(par_names) n_confidence = len(levels) if ts is None: ts = [history.max_t for history in histories] if refvals is not None and not isinstance(refvals, list): refvals = [refvals] * n_run # prepare axes fig, arr_ax = plt.subplots( nrows=n_par, ncols=1, sharex=False, sharey=False ) if n_par == 1: arr_ax = [arr_ax] # prepare matrices cis = np.empty((n_par, n_run, 2 * n_confidence)) median = np.empty((n_par, n_run)) if show_mean: mean = np.empty((n_par, n_run)) if show_kde_max: kde_max = np.empty((n_par, n_run)) if show_kde_max_1d: kde_max_1d = np.empty((n_par, n_run)) if kde is None and show_kde_max: kde = MultivariateNormalTransition() if kde_1d is None and show_kde_max_1d: kde_1d = MultivariateNormalTransition() # fill matrices # iterate over populations for i_run, (h, t, m) in enumerate(zip(histories, ts, ms)): df, w = h.get_distribution(m=m, t=t) # normalize weights to be sure w /= w.sum() # fit kde if show_kde_max: _kde_max_pnt = compute_kde_max(kde, df, w) # iterate over parameters for i_par, par in enumerate(par_names): # as numpy array vals = np.array(df[par]) # median median[i_par, i_run] = compute_quantile(vals, w, 0.5) # mean if show_mean: mean[i_par, i_run] = np.sum(w * vals) # kde max if show_kde_max: kde_max[i_par, i_run] = _kde_max_pnt[par] if show_kde_max_1d: _kde_max_1d_pnt = compute_kde_max(kde_1d, df[[par]], w) kde_max_1d[i_par, i_run] = _kde_max_1d_pnt[par] # levels for i_c, confidence in enumerate(levels): lb, ub = compute_credible_interval(vals, w, confidence) cis[i_par, i_run, i_c] = lb cis[i_par, i_run, -1 - i_c] = ub # plot for i_par, (par, ax) in enumerate(zip(par_names, arr_ax)): for i_run in range(len(histories)): for i_c in reversed(range(len(levels))): y_err = np.array( [ median[i_par, i_run] - cis[i_par, i_run, i_c], cis[i_par, i_run, -1 - i_c] - median[i_par, i_run], ] ) y_err = y_err.reshape((2, 1)) ax.errorbar( x=[i_run], y=median[i_par, i_run], yerr=y_err, capsize=(10.0 / n_confidence) * (i_c + 1), color=f'C{i_c}', ) # reference value if refvals[i_run] is not None: ax.plot([i_run], [refvals[i_run][par]], 'x', color='black') ax.set_title(f"Parameter {par}") # mean if show_mean: ax.plot(range(n_run), mean[i_par], 'x', color=f'C{n_confidence}') # kde max if show_kde_max: ax.plot( range(n_run), kde_max[i_par], 'x', color=f'C{n_confidence + 1}' ) if show_kde_max_1d: ax.plot( range(n_run), kde_max_1d[i_par], 'x', color=f'C{n_confidence + 2}', ) ax.set_xticks(range(n_run)) ax.set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=rotation) leg_colors = [f'C{i_c}' for i_c in reversed(range(n_confidence))] leg_labels = ['{:.2f}'.format(c) for c in reversed(levels)] if show_mean: leg_colors.append(f'C{n_confidence}') leg_labels.append("Mean") if show_kde_max: leg_colors.append(f'C{n_confidence + 1}') leg_labels.append("Max KDE") if show_kde_max_1d: leg_colors.append(f'C{n_confidence + 2}') leg_labels.append("Max KDE 1d") if refvals is not None: leg_colors.append('black') leg_labels.append("Reference value") handles = [ Line2D([0], [0], color=c, label=l) for c, l in zip(leg_colors, leg_labels) ] ax.legend(handles=handles, bbox_to_anchor=(1.04, 1), loc="upper left") # format arr_ax[-1].set_xlabel("Population t") if size is not None: fig.set_size_inches(size) fig.tight_layout() return arr_ax
def compute_credible_interval(vals, weights, confidence: float = 0.95): """ Compute credible interval to confidence level `confidence` for points `vals` associated to weights `weights`. Returns ------- lb, ub: tuple of float Lower and upper bound of the credible interval. """ if confidence <= 0.0 or confidence >= 1.0: raise ValueError( f"Confidence {confidence} must be in the interval (0.0, 1.0)." ) alpha_lb = 0.5 * (1.0 - confidence) alpha_ub = confidence + alpha_lb lb = compute_quantile(vals, weights, alpha_lb) ub = compute_quantile(vals, weights, alpha_ub) return lb, ub def compute_kde_max(kde, df, w): """ Fit the kde and find the maximal kde value among the points in df. """, w) kde_vals = [kde.pdf(p) for _, p in df.iterrows()] ix = kde_vals.index(max(kde_vals)) kde_max_pnt = df.iloc[ix] return kde_max_pnt def compute_quantile(vals, weights, alpha): """ Compute `alpha`-quantile for points `vals` associated to weights `weights`. """ return weighted_quantile(vals, weights, alpha=alpha)