Source code for pyabc.transition.model

from typing import Union

from ..random_variables import RV

[docs] class ModelPerturbationKernel: """Model perturbation kernel. Attributes ---------- nr_of_models: Number of models probability_to_stay: If ``None``, probability to stay is set to 1/nr_of_models. Otherwise, the supplied value is used. """
[docs] def __init__( self, nr_of_models: int, probability_to_stay: Union[float, None] = None ): self.nr_of_models = nr_of_models if nr_of_models == 1: self.probability_to_stay = 1 else: if probability_to_stay is None: self.probability_to_stay = 1 / nr_of_models else: self.probability_to_stay = min(max(probability_to_stay, 0), 1)
def _get_discrete_rv(self, m): p_stay = self.probability_to_stay p_move = (1 - p_stay) / (self.nr_of_models - 1) probabilities = [ p_stay if n == m else p_move for n in range(self.nr_of_models) ] return RV( 'rv_discrete', values=(range(len(probabilities)), probabilities) )
[docs] def rvs(self, m: int) -> int: """Sample a Kernel jump from model ``m`` to another model. Parameters ---------- m: int Model source nr. Returns ------- target: int Target model nr. """ if not 0 <= m <= self.nr_of_models - 1: raise Exception('m has to be between 0 and nr_of_models - 1') if self.nr_of_models == 1: return 0 # always stay, no other choice else: return int(self._get_discrete_rv(m).rvs())
[docs] def pmf(self, n: int, m: int) -> float: """Probability mass function for a jump to target `n` from source `m`. Parameters ---------- n: int Model target nr. m: int Model source nr. Returns ------- probability: float Probability with which to jump from ``m`` to ``n``. """ if not ( 0 <= n <= self.nr_of_models and 0 <= m <= self.nr_of_models - 1 ): raise Exception( 'n and m have to be between 0 and nr_of_models - 1' ) if self.nr_of_models == 1: return 1 if n == m else 0 else: return self._get_discrete_rv(m).pmf(n)