Source code for pyabc.transition.jump

"""A discrete jump transition function."""

from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..parameters import Parameter
from ..random_choice import fast_random_choice
from ..random_variables import RV
from .base import DiscreteTransition

[docs] class PerturbationKernel: """Parameter perturbation kernel for a discrete set of parameters. Parameters ---------- domain: All possible parameter values. p_stay: The probability to stay at a given parameter value. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: np.ndarray, p_stay: float = 0.7): if len(np.unique(domain)) != len(domain): raise ValueError("The domain contains duplicates.") self.domain = domain if len(domain) == 1: p_stay = 1.0 if not 0 <= p_stay <= 1: raise ValueError("p_stay must be in [0, 1].") self.p_stay = p_stay self.p_move = (1 - p_stay) / (len(self.domain) - 1) # cache a random variable (later the start index and 0 must be swapped) indices = np.arange(len(domain)) probabilities = [p_stay, *[self.p_move] * (len(self.domain) - 1)] self.rv = RV('rv_discrete', values=(indices, probabilities))
[docs] def rvs(self, a: float) -> float: """Sample a kernel jump from parameter `a` to another parameter.""" if a not in self.domain: raise ValueError("The parameter value is not in the domain.") if len(self.domain) == 1: return a # sample from the cached random variable ix = self.rv.rvs() # get index of the starting parameter ix_a = np.argmax(self.domain == a) # in the cached rv, ix_a and 0 were swapped -> swap them again if ix == 0: ix = ix_a elif ix == ix_a: ix = 0 return self.domain[ix]
[docs] def pdf(self, b: float, a: float) -> float: """Probability mass function for a jump to target `b` from source `a`.""" if a not in self.domain or b not in self.domain: raise ValueError( "At least one parameter value is not in the domain." ) return self.p_stay if b == a else self.p_move
[docs] class DiscreteJumpTransition(DiscreteTransition): """ Transition with positive random jump probability for discrete parameters. Adapts base draw probabilities to the last generation's histogram and then jumps to an arbitrary other parameter with a positive jump probability to ensure that the prior is absolutely continuous w.r.t. the proposal. Parameters ---------- domain, p_stay: See the PerturbationKernel. .. note:: This transition can only deal with a single parameter. Use an AggregatedTransition to combine multiple parameters. """
[docs] def __init__(self, domain: np.ndarray, p_stay: float = 0.7): self.values = None self.weights = None self.perturbation_kernel = PerturbationKernel( domain=domain, p_stay=p_stay )
[docs] def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, w: np.ndarray) -> None: """Fit starting weights to the distribution of samples.""" # this is only meant to be used with a single parameter if len(X.columns) != 1: raise ValueError( "This transition can only handle a single parameter." ) # compute a single weight per unique parameter value x = np.array(X).flatten() self.values = [] self.weights = [] for value in np.unique(x): self.values.append(value) self.weights.append(sum(w[x == value])) self.weights = np.array(self.weights) self.weights /= self.weights.sum()
[docs] def rvs_single(self) -> Parameter: """Generate a single random variable.""" # sample a starting index index = fast_random_choice(self.weights) # get value at that index value = self.values[index] # maybe jump to another value value = self.perturbation_kernel.rvs(value) return Parameter({self.X.columns[0]: value})
[docs] def pdf( self, x: Union[Parameter, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame] ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """Compute the probability mass function at `x`.""" # extract values key = self.X.columns[0] if isinstance(x, (Parameter, pd.Series)): x = np.array([[x[key]]]) else: x = x.to_numpy() # compute densities pds = np.array( [ sum( w * self.perturbation_kernel.pdf(par, start) for w, start in zip(self.weights, self.values) ) for par in x ] ) return pds if pds.size != 1 else float(pds[0])