Source code for pyabc.transition.base

import logging
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator

from import calc_cv
from ..parameters import Parameter
from .exceptions import NotEnoughParticles
from .predict_population_size import predict_population_size
from .transitionmeta import TransitionMeta

logger = logging.getLogger("ABC.Transition")

[docs] class Transition(BaseEstimator, metaclass=TransitionMeta): """ Abstract Transition base class. Derive all Transitions from this class .. note:: This class does a little bit of meta-programming. The `fit`, `pdf` and `rvs` methods are automatically wrapped to handle the special case of no parameters. Hence, you can safely assume that you encounter at least one parameter. All the defined transitions will then automatically generalize to the case of no parameter. """ NR_BOOTSTRAP = 5 X = None w = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, w: np.ndarray) -> None: """ Fit the density estimator (perturber) to the sampled data. Concrete implementations might do something like fitting a KDE. The parameters given as ``X`` and ``w`` are automatically stored in ``self.X`` and ``self.w``. Parameters ---------- X: The parameters. w: The corresponding weights """
[docs] @abstractmethod def rvs_single(self) -> Parameter: """ Random variable sample (rvs). Sample from the fitted distribution. Returns ------- sample: A sample from the fitted model. """
[docs] def rvs(self, size: int = None) -> Union[Parameter, pd.DataFrame]: """ Sample from the density. Parameters ---------- size: Number of independent samples to draw. If None, a single Parameter from rvs_single() is returned, if it is an integer >= 1, a pandas.DataFrame with the corresponding number of rows is returned. Returns ------- samples: The parameter sample(s). Note ---- This method can be overridden for efficient implementations. The default is to call rvs_single repeatedly (which might not be the most efficient way). """ if size is None: return self.rvs_single() return pd.DataFrame([self.rvs_single() for _ in range(size)])
[docs] @abstractmethod def pdf( self, x: Union[Parameter, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame] ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: """ Evaluate the probability density function (PDF) at `x`. Parameters ---------- x: Parameter. If x is a Parameter or Series, then x should have the columns from X passed to the fit method as indices. If x is a DataFrame, then x should have the same columns as X passed before to the fit method. The order of the columns is not important Returns ------- density: float Probability density at `x`. """
def score(self, X: pd.DataFrame, w: np.ndarray): densities = self.pdf(X) return (np.log(densities) * w).sum() def no_meaningful_particles(self) -> bool: return len(self.X) == 0 or self.no_parameters
[docs] def mean_cv(self, n_samples: Union[None, int] = None) -> float: """ Estimate the uncertainty on the KDE. Parameters ---------- n_samples: int, optional Estimate the CV for ``n_samples`` samples. If this parameter is not given, the sample size of the last fit is used. Returns ------- mean_cv: float The estimated average coefficient of variation. Note ---- A call to this method, as a side effect, also sets the attributes ``test_points_``, ``test_weights_`` and ``variation_at_test_points_``. These are the individual points, weights and variations used to calculate the mean. """ # TODO: not sure if this is the right behaviour if self.no_meaningful_particles(): raise NotEnoughParticles(n_samples) if n_samples is None: n_samples = len(self.X) test_points = self.X test_weights = self.w self.test_points_ = test_points self.test_weights_ = test_weights # calculate bootstrapped coefficients of variation cv, variation_at_test = calc_cv( n_samples, np.array([1]), self.NR_BOOTSTRAP, test_weights, [self], [test_points], ) self.variation_at_test_points_ = variation_at_test[0] # return the cv as estimator of the uncertainty of sampling # `n_samples` times from the KDE return cv
def required_nr_samples(self, coefficient_of_variation: float) -> int: if self.no_meaningful_particles(): raise NotEnoughParticles res = predict_population_size( len(self.X), coefficient_of_variation, self.mean_cv ) self.cv_estimate_ = res return res.n_estimated
[docs] class DiscreteTransition(Transition): """ This is a base class for discrete transition kernels. """
[docs] class AggregatedTransition(Transition): """Different transitions for different subsets of the parameters. The transitions are applied independently of each other, i.e. the transition density factorizes. Correlations betweeen parameters must be handled inside a single transition, if needed. Parameters ---------- mapping: The mapping of parameters (as tuples of str or single str) to the transition kernel to be used for those parameters. """
[docs] def __init__(self, mapping: Dict[Union[str, Tuple[str, ...]], Transition]): # normalize input tidy_mapping = {} for keys, transition in mapping.items(): if isinstance(keys, str): keys = (keys,) tidy_mapping[keys] = transition self.mapping = tidy_mapping
[docs] def fit(self, X: pd.DataFrame, w: np.ndarray) -> None: # fit each transition separately for keys, transition in self.mapping.items(): # get parameters for that transition X_for_keys = X[list(keys)] # fit it, w)
[docs] def rvs_single(self) -> Parameter: sample = Parameter({key: np.nan for key in self.X.columns}) for transition in self.mapping.values(): sample_for_keys = transition.rvs_single() # in-place update sample.update(sample_for_keys) return sample
[docs] def pdf( self, x: Union[Parameter, pd.Series, pd.DataFrame] ) -> Union[float, np.ndarray]: # density pd = 1.0 for keys, transition in self.mapping.items(): # extract values for parameters if isinstance(x, Parameter): x_for_keys = Parameter({key: x[key] for key in keys}) else: # series or dataframe x_for_keys = x[list(keys)] # compute transition density (numpy will automatically broadcast) pd *= transition.pdf(x_for_keys) return pd