"""Identification of sample subsets for model training."""
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Tuple
import numpy as np
from ..weighted_statistics import weighted_mean
import sklearn.mixture as skl_mx
except ImportError:
skl_mx = None
logger = logging.getLogger("ABC.Sumstat")
class Subsetter(ABC):
"""Select a localized sample subset for model training.
E.g. in the :class:`pyabc.PredictorSumstat` class, we employ predictor
models `y -> p` from data to parameters.
These models should be local, e.g. trained on samples from a high-density
region. This is because the inverse mapping of `p -> y`, `y -> p`, does
in general not exist globally, e.g. due to parameter non-identifiability,
multiple modes, and model stochasticity. Therefore, it is important to
train the models on a sample set in which a functional form is roughly
This class allows to subset a given sample to generate a localized sample.
def select(
x: np.ndarray,
y: np.ndarray,
w: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Select samples for model training. This is the main method.
x: Samples, shape (n_sample, n_feature).
y: Targets, shape (n_sample, n_out).
w: Weights, shape (n_sample,).
A tuple x_, y_, w_ of the subsetted samples, targets and weights with
n_sample -> n_sample_used <= n_sample.
class IdSubsetter(Subsetter):
"""Identity subset mapping."""
def select(
x: np.ndarray,
y: np.ndarray,
w: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Just return x, y, w unchanged."""
return x, y, w
class GMMSubsetter(Subsetter):
"""Using a Gaussian mixed model for subset identification.
Performs model selection over Gaussian mixed models with up to
`n_components_max` components and returns all samples belonging to the same
cluster as the posterior mean.
Optionally, this set is augmented by the nearest neighbors to reach a
fraction `min_fraction` of the original sample size.
n_components_min: Minimum candidate number of clusters.
n_components_max: Maximum candidate number of clusters.
Minimum fraction of samples in the result. If the obtained cluster has
less samples, it is augmented by nearby samples.
Whether to z-score normalize labels internally prior to cluster
Keyword arguments that are passed on to the sklearn `GaussianMixture`,
https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.mixture.GaussianMixture.html. # noqa
gmm: The best fitted Gaussian mixture model.
n_components: The corresponding number of components.
bics: All BIC values used in model selection.
def __init__(
n_components_min: int = 1,
n_components_max: int = 5,
min_fraction: float = 0.3,
normalize_labels: bool = True,
gmm_args: dict = None,
if skl_mx is None:
raise ImportError(
"This class requires an installation of scikit-learn. "
"Install e.g. via `pip install pyabc[scikit-learn]`"
self.n_components_min: int = n_components_min
self.n_components_max: int = n_components_max
self.min_fraction: float = min_fraction
self.normalize_labels: bool = normalize_labels
if gmm_args is None:
gmm_args = {}
default_gmm_args = {'max_iter': 500, 'n_init': 5}
self.gmm_args: dict = default_gmm_args
# status variables, filled in `select()`
self.gmm = None
self.n_components = None
self.bics = None
def select(
x: np.ndarray,
y: np.ndarray,
w: np.ndarray,
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
"""Select based on GMM clusters."""
# normalize
if self.normalize_labels:
y_norm = (y - np.mean(y, axis=0)) / np.std(y, axis=0)
y_norm = y
# find most suitable number of clusters
gmm, n_components, bics = self._find_optimal_model(y=y_norm)
self.gmm = gmm
self.n_components = n_components
self.bics = bics
# identify cluster of posterior mean
mean: np.ndarray = weighted_mean(y_norm, w / w.sum()).reshape(1, -1)
cluster_id: np.ndarray = gmm.predict(mean)
# find cluster associations of data points
cluster_ids: np.ndarray = gmm.predict(y_norm)
in_cluster: np.ndarray = cluster_ids == cluster_id
# augment subset
selected = get_augmented_subset(
# reduce sample set
x_new, y_new, w_new = x[selected], y[selected], w[selected]
f"Subsetting: #clusters: {n_components}, "
f"target cluster points: {sum(in_cluster)}, using {len(y_new)} "
f"(BICs: {bics})",
return x_new, y_new, w_new
def _find_optimal_model(self, y: np.ndarray):
"""Find optimal GMM model.
y: The data to fit the model on (usually parameters).
best_gmm, best_n_components, bics:
The best fitted GMM, the number of components, and all BIC values.
# iterate over numbers of clusters
bics = {}
best_gmm = None
best_n_components = None
for n_components in range(
self.n_components_min, self.n_components_max + 1
# fit a Gaussian mixture model
gmm = skl_mx.GaussianMixture(
n_components=n_components, **self.gmm_args
# evaluate BIC as model selection criterion
bic = gmm.bic(y)
if len(bics) == 0 or bic < min(bics.values()):
best_gmm = gmm
best_n_components = n_components
bics[n_components] = bic
return best_gmm, best_n_components, bics
def get_augmented_subset(
y: np.ndarray,
ref: np.ndarray,
in_cluster: np.ndarray,
min_fraction: float,
) -> np.ndarray:
"""Select indices from clustering and potential augment to match minimum.
y: The original y.
ref: Reference value (e.g. posterior mean).
in_cluster: Boolean indicators whether an entry is in the cluster.
min_fraction: Minimum required fraction of particles, in [0, 1].
Boolean indicators whether an entry is in the augmented cluster.
# copy as we modify
in_cluster = in_cluster.copy()
# calculate how many are required
desired: int = int(min_fraction * len(y))
ixs_in_cluster: np.ndarray = np.flatnonzero(in_cluster)
required: int = desired - len(ixs_in_cluster)
if required <= 0:
return in_cluster
# sort remaining values by distance to reference point
y_left = y[~in_cluster]
distances: np.ndarray = np.linalg.norm(y_left - ref, ord=2, axis=1)
# indices of the required closest parameters
ixs_nearest: np.ndarray = np.argpartition(distances, required)[:required]
ixs_not_in_cluster: np.ndarray = np.flatnonzero(~in_cluster)
in_cluster[ixs_not_in_cluster[ixs_nearest]] = True
if sum(in_cluster) != desired:
raise AssertionError("Unexpected number of entries.")
return in_cluster