Source code for pyabc.sumstat.learn

"""Summary statistics learning."""

import logging
from typing import Callable, Collection, List, Union

import numpy as np

    import sklearn.gaussian_process as skl_gp
    import sklearn.linear_model as skl_lm
except ImportError:
    skl_lm = skl_gp = None

from ..population import Sample
from ..predictor import Predictor, SimplePredictor
from ..util import (
from .base import IdentitySumstat, Sumstat
from .subset import IdSubsetter, Subsetter

logger = logging.getLogger("ABC.Sumstat")

[docs] class PredictorSumstat(Sumstat): """ Summary statistics based on a model predicting parameters from data, `y -> theta`. For some predictor models, there exist dedicated subclasses. The predictor should define: - `fit(X, y)` to fit the model on a sample of data X and outputs y, where X has shape (n_sample, n_feature), and y has shape (n_sample, n_out), with n_out either the parameter dimension or 1, depending on `joint`. Further, `fit(X, y, weights)` gets as a third argument the sample weights if `weight_samples` is set. Not all predictors support this. - `predict(X)` to predict outputs of shape (n_out,), where X has shape (n_sample, n_feature). """
[docs] def __init__( self, predictor: Union[Predictor, Callable], fit_ixs: Union[EventIxs, Collection[int], int] = None, all_particles: bool = True, normalize_labels: bool = True, fitted: bool = False, subsetter: Subsetter = None, pre: Sumstat = None, pre_before_fit: bool = False, par_trafo: ParTrafoBase = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- predictor: The predictor mapping data (inputs) to parameters (targets). See :class:`Predictor` for the functionality contract. fit_ixs: Generation indices when to (re)fit the model, e.g. `{9, 15}`. See :class:`pyabc.EventIxs` for possible values. In generations before the first fit, the output of `pre` is returned as-is. all_particles: Whether to base the predictors on all samples, or only accepted ones. Basing it on all samples reflects the sampling process, while only considering accepted particles (and additionally weighting them) reflects the posterior approximation. normalize_labels: Whether the outputs in `__call__` are normalized according to potentially applied internal normalization of the predictor. This allows to level the influence of labels. fitted: Set to True if the predictor model passed has aready been fitted externally. If False, the `__call__` function will return the output of `pre` until the first time index in `fit_ixs`. subsetter: Sample subset/cluster selection method. Defaults to just taking all samples. In the presence of e.g. multi-modalities it may make sense to reduce. pre: Previously applied summary statistics, enables chaining. Should usually not be adaptive. pre_before_fit: Apply previous summary statistics also before any fit is performed, or just return the input then and only apply pre when regression-based summary statistics are calculated. par_trafo: Parameter transformations to use as targets. Defaults to identity. """ if pre is None: pre = IdentitySumstat() super().__init__(pre=pre) if not isinstance(predictor, Predictor): predictor = SimplePredictor(predictor=predictor) self.predictor = predictor if fit_ixs is None: fit_ixs = {9, 15} self.fit_ixs: EventIxs = EventIxs.to_instance(fit_ixs) logger.debug(f"Fit model ixs: {self.fit_ixs}") self.all_particles: bool = all_particles self.normalize_labels: bool = normalize_labels # indicate whether the model has ever been fitted self.fitted: bool = fitted if subsetter is None: subsetter = IdSubsetter() self.subsetter: Subsetter = subsetter self.pre_before_fit: bool = pre_before_fit if par_trafo is None: par_trafo = ParTrafo() self.par_trafo: ParTrafoBase = par_trafo
[docs] def initialize( self, t: int, get_sample: Callable[[], Sample], x_0: dict, total_sims: int, ) -> None: super().initialize( t=t, get_sample=get_sample, x_0=x_0, total_sims=total_sims, ) # call cached function sample = get_sample() # fix parameter key order self.par_trafo.initialize( keys=list(sample.accepted_particles[0].parameter.keys()), ) # check whether to skip fitting if not self.fit_ixs.act(t=t, total_sims=total_sims): return # extract information from sample sumstats, parameters, weights = read_sample( sample=sample, sumstat=self.pre, all_particles=self.all_particles, par_trafo=self.par_trafo, ) # subset sample sumstats, parameters, weights = x=sumstats, y=parameters, w=weights, ) # fit model to sample, y=parameters, w=weights) self.fitted = True
[docs] def update( self, t: int, get_sample: Callable[[], Sample], total_sims: int, ) -> bool: updated = super().update( t=t, get_sample=get_sample, total_sims=total_sims, ) # check whether to skip fitting if not self.fit_ixs.act(t=t, total_sims=total_sims): return updated # call cached function sample = get_sample() # extract information from sample sumstats, parameters, weights = read_sample( sample=sample, sumstat=self.pre, all_particles=self.all_particles, par_trafo=self.par_trafo, ) # subset sample sumstats, parameters, weights = x=sumstats, y=parameters, w=weights, ) # fit model to sample, y=parameters, w=weights) self.fitted = True return True
[docs] def configure_sampler(self, sampler) -> None: if self.all_particles and self.fit_ixs.probably_has_late_events(): # record rejected particles as a more representative of the # sampling process sampler.sample_factory.record_rejected()
[docs] def requires_calibration(self) -> bool: return ( self.fit_ixs.requires_calibration() or self.pre.requires_calibration() )
[docs] def is_adaptive(self) -> bool: return ( self.fit_ixs.probably_has_late_events() or self.pre.is_adaptive() )
@io_dict2arr def __call__(self, data: Union[dict, np.ndarray]): # check whether to return data directly if not self.fitted and not self.pre_before_fit: return data data = self.pre(data) # check whether to return pre-sumstat data directly if not self.fitted: return data # summary statistic is the (normalized) predictor value sumstat = self.predictor.predict( data, normalize=self.normalize_labels ).flatten() if sumstat.size != len(self.par_trafo): raise AssertionError("Predictor should return #parameters values") return sumstat def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"<{self.__class__.__name__} pre={self.pre}, " f"predictor={self.predictor}>" )
[docs] def get_ids(self) -> List[str]: # label by parameter keys if self.fitted: return [f"s_{key}" for key in self.par_trafo.get_ids()] if not self.pre_before_fit: return dict2arrlabels(self.x_0, keys=self.x_keys) return self.pre.get_ids()