Source code for pyabc.sumstat.base

"""Basic summary statistics."""

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Callable, Dict, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np

from ..population import Sample
from ..util import dict2arrlabels, io_dict2arr

[docs] class Sumstat(ABC): """Summary statistics. Summary statistics operate on and transform the model output. They can e.g. rotate, augment, or extract features. Via the `pre` argument, summary statistics operations can be concatenated/chained. """
[docs] def __init__(self, pre: 'Sumstat' = None): """ Parameters ---------- pre: Previously applied summary statistics, enables chaining. """ # data keys (for correct order) self.x_keys: Union[List[str], None] = None # observed data self.x_0: Union[dict, None] = None # previous chained statistics self.pre: Union['Sumstat', None] = pre # ids self.ids: Union[List[str], None] = None
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__( self, data: Union[dict, np.ndarray], ) -> Union[np.ndarray, Dict[str, float]]: """Calculate summary statistics. Parameters ---------- data: Model output or observed data. Returns ------- sumstat: Summary statistics of the data, a np.ndarray. """
[docs] def initialize( self, t: int, get_sample: Callable[[], Sample], x_0: dict, total_sims: int, ) -> None: """Initialize before the first generation. Called at the beginning by the inference routine, can be used for calibration to the problem. Parameters ---------- t: Time point for which to initialize the distance. get_sample: Returns on command the initial sample. x_0: The observed summary statistics. total_sims: The total number of simulations so far. """ # record data keys self.x_keys: List[str] = list(x_0.keys()) # record observed data self.x_0: dict = x_0 # initialize previous statistics if self.pre is not None: self.pre.initialize( t=t, get_sample=get_sample, x_0=x_0, total_sims=total_sims )
[docs] def update( self, t: int, get_sample: Callable[[], Sample], total_sims: int, ) -> bool: """Update for the upcoming generation t. Similar as `initialize`, however called for every subsequent iteration. Parameters ---------- t: Time point for which to update the distance. get_sample: Returns on demand the last generation's complete sample. total_sims: The total number of simulations so far. Returns ------- is_updated: bool Whether something has changed compared to beforehand. Depending on the result, the population needs to be updated before preparing the next generation. Defaults to False. """ if self.pre is not None: return self.pre.update( t=t, get_sample=get_sample, total_sims=total_sims ) return False
[docs] def configure_sampler(self, sampler) -> None: """Configure the sampler. This method is called by the inference routine at the beginning. A possible configuration would be to request also the storing of rejected particles. The default is to do nothing. Parameters ---------- sampler: Sampler The used sampler. """ if self.pre is not None: self.pre.configure_sampler(sampler=sampler)
[docs] def requires_calibration(self) -> bool: """ Whether the class requires an initial calibration, based on samples from the prior. Default: False. """ if self.pre is not None: return self.pre.requires_calibration() return False
[docs] def is_adaptive(self) -> bool: """ Whether the class is dynamically updated after each generation, based on the last generation's available data. Default: False. """ if self.pre is not None: return self.pre.is_adaptive() return False
[docs] def get_ids(self) -> List[str]: """Get ids/labels for the summary statistics. Defaults to indexing the statistics as `S_{ix}`. """ s_0 = self(self.x_0) return [f"s_{ix}" for ix in range(s_0.size)]
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} pre={self.pre.__str__()}>"
[docs] class IdentitySumstat(Sumstat): """Identity mapping with optional transformations."""
[docs] def __init__( self, trafos: List[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = None, pre: Sumstat = None, shape_out: Tuple[int, ...] = (-1,), ): """ Parameters ---------- pre: Previously applied summary statistics, enables chaining. trafos: Optional transformations to apply, should be vectorized. Note that if the original data should be contained, a transformation s.a. `lambda x: x` must be added. shape_out: Shape the (otherwise flat) output is converted to, via :py:func:`numpy.reshape`. Defaults to (-1,) and thus a flat array. Sometimes a row vector (1, -1) may be preferable, e.g. to treat simulations as replicates. For more complex shapes, tailored mappings may be preferable by deriving from Sumstat or IdentitySumstat. """ super().__init__(pre=pre) self.trafos: List[Callable[[np.ndarray], np.ndarray]] = trafos self.shape_out: Tuple[int, ...] = shape_out
@io_dict2arr def __call__(self, data: Union[dict, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns ------- sumstat: Concatenated summary statistics array of shape (n,1) or (1,n). """ # apply previous statistics if self.pre is not None: data = self.pre(data) # apply transformations if self.trafos is not None: # create one long array until structure ever becomes interesting # also allows trafos to yield differing dimensions data = np.concatenate( [trafo(data).flatten() for trafo in self.trafos] ) # reshape data = data.reshape(self.shape_out) return data
[docs] def get_ids(self): """Get ids/labels for the summary statistics. Uses the more meaningful data labels if the transformation is id. """ if self.pre is None and self.trafos is None: return dict2arrlabels(self.x_0, keys=self.x_keys) return super().get_ids()
def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"<{self.__class__.__name__} pre={self.pre}, " f"trafos={self.trafos}>" )