Source code for pyabc.sge.util

import os
import subprocess  # noqa: S404

[docs] def sge_available(): """ Makes a simple heuristic test to check if the SGE is available on the machine. It tries to execute the ``qstat`` command. In case it is found, it is assumed that the SGE is available. Returns ------- available: bool Whether SGE is available or not. """ try:"qstat", stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # noqa: S607,S603 return True except FileNotFoundError: return False
[docs] def nr_cores_available() -> int: """ Determine the number of available cores in a manner which is safer for cluster environments than counting the number of CPUs the machine has. The CPU count might not be adequate as a job on a cluster might not have access to all the cores present on the cluster node on which it executes due to resource restrictions, such as for example done by SGE, SLURM etc. The followin heuristic scheme is used to get the available number of cores: 1. Tries to determin cores form the SGE environment variable ``NSLOTS`` 2. From the environment variable ``OMP_NUM_THREADS`` 3. From the environment variable ``MKL_NUM_THREADS`` 4. from Python's ``os.cpu_count`` Returns ------- nr_cores: int The number of cores available. """ try: return int(os.environ['NSLOTS']) except KeyError: pass try: return int(os.environ['OMP_NUM_THREADS']) except KeyError: pass try: return int(os.environ['MKL_NUM_THREADS']) except KeyError: pass return os.cpu_count()