Source code for pyabc.sampler.singlecore

import numpy as np
from jabbar import jabbar

from .base import Sampler

[docs] class SingleCoreSampler(Sampler): """ Sample on a single core. No parallelization. Parameters ---------- check_max_eval: bool Whether to check the maximum number of evaluations on the fly. """
[docs] def __init__(self, check_max_eval: bool = False): super().__init__() self.check_max_eval = check_max_eval
def sample_until_n_accepted( self, n, simulate_one, t, *, max_eval=np.inf, all_accepted=False, ana_vars=None, ): nr_simulations = 0 sample = self._create_empty_sample() for _ in jabbar(range(n), enable=self.show_progress, keep=False): while True: if self.check_max_eval and nr_simulations >= max_eval: break new_sim = simulate_one() sample.append(new_sim) nr_simulations += 1 if new_sim.accepted: break self.nr_evaluations_ = nr_simulations if sample.n_accepted < n: sample.ok = False return sample