Source code for pyabc.sampler.base

from abc import ABC, ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from numbers import Real
from typing import Callable, Union

import numpy as np

from ..acceptor import Acceptor
from ..distance import Distance
from ..epsilon import Epsilon
from ..inference_util import AnalysisVars
from ..population import Sample, SampleFactory

def wrap_sample(f):
    """Wrapper for Sampler.sample_until_n_accepted.
    Checks whether the sampling output is valid.

    def sample_until_n_accepted(self, n, simulate_one, t, **kwargs):
        sample = f(self, n, simulate_one, t, **kwargs)

        if sample.n_accepted != n and sample.ok:
            # this should not happen if the sampler is configured correctly
            raise AssertionError(
                f"Expected {n} but got {sample.n_accepted} acceptances."

        if any(particle.preliminary for particle in sample.all_particles):
            raise AssertionError("There cannot be non-evaluated particles.")

        return sample

    return sample_until_n_accepted

class SamplerMeta(ABCMeta):  # noqa: B024
    This metaclass handles the checking of sampling output values.

    def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        ABCMeta.__init__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
        cls.sample_until_n_accepted = wrap_sample(cls.sample_until_n_accepted)

[docs] class Sampler(ABC, metaclass=SamplerMeta): """ Abstract Sampler base class. Produce valid particles: :class:`pyabc.parameters.ValidParticle`. Attributes ---------- nr_evaluations_: int This is set after a population and counts the total number of model evaluations. This can be used to calculate the acceptance rate. sample_factory: SampleFactory A factory to create empty samples. show_progress: bool Whether to show progress within a generation. Some samplers support this by e.g. showing a progress bar. Set via >>> sampler = Sampler() >>> sampler.show_progress = True analysis_id: str A universal unique id of the analysis, automatically generated by the inference routine. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.nr_evaluations_: int = 0 self.sample_factory: SampleFactory = SampleFactory( record_rejected=False ) self.show_progress: bool = False self.analysis_id: Union[str, None] = None
def _create_empty_sample(self) -> Sample: return self.sample_factory()
[docs] def set_analysis_id(self, analysis_id: str): """Set the analysis id. Called by the inference routine. The default is to just obediently set it. Specific samplers may want to check whether there are conflicting analyses. """ self.analysis_id = analysis_id
@abstractmethod def sample_until_n_accepted( self, n: int, simulate_one: Callable, t: int, *, max_eval: Real = np.inf, all_accepted: bool = False, ana_vars: AnalysisVars = None, ) -> Sample: """ Performs the sampling, i.e. creation of a new generation (i.e. population) of particles. Parameters ---------- n: The number of samples to be accepted. I.e. the population size. simulate_one: A function which internally performs the whole process of sampling parameters, simulating data, and comparing to observed data to check for acceptance, as indicated via the particle.accepted flag. t: Generation index for which to sample. max_eval: Maximum number of evaluations to perform. Some samplers can check this condition directly and can thus terminate proactively. all_accepted: If it is known in advance that all sampled particles will have particle.accepted == True, then setting all_accepted = True can reduce the computational overhead for dynamic schedulers. This is usually in particular the case in the initial calibration iteration. ana_vars: Various analysis variables. Some samplers can use these e.g. for proactive sampling. Returns ------- sample: :class:`pyabc.sampler.Sample` The generated sample, which contains the new population. """
[docs] def stop(self) -> None: """Stop the sampler. Called by the inference routine when an analysis is finished. Some samplers may need to e.g. finish ongoing processes or close servers. """
[docs] def check_analysis_variables( self, distance_function: Distance, eps: Epsilon, acceptor: Acceptor ) -> None: """Raise if any analysis variable is not conform with the sampler. This check serves in particular to ensure that all components are fit for look-ahead sampling. Default: Do nothing. """