Source code for pyabc.populationstrategy.populationstrategy

import json
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np

from import calc_cv

from ..transition import Transition
from ..transition.predict_population_size import predict_population_size
from ..util import bound_pop_size_from_env

logger = logging.getLogger("ABC.Adaptation")

def dec_bound_pop_size_from_env(fun):
    """Bound population size"""

    def bounded_fun(*args, **kwargs):
        pop_size: int = fun(*args, **kwargs)
        # bound population size potentially by environment variable
        pop_size = bound_pop_size_from_env(pop_size)
        return pop_size

    return bounded_fun

[docs] class PopulationStrategy(ABC): """ Strategy to select the sizes of the populations. This is a non-functional abstract base implementation. Do not use this class directly. Subclasses must override the `update` method. Parameters ---------- nr_calibration_particles: Number of calibration particles. """
[docs] def __init__(self, nr_calibration_particles: int = None): self.nr_calibration_particles = nr_calibration_particles
[docs] def update( self, transitions: List[Transition], model_weights: np.ndarray, t: int = None, ): """ Select the population size for the next population. Parameters ---------- transitions: List of transitions. model_weights: Array of model weights. t: Time to adapt for. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__(self, t: int = None) -> int: raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict: """ Get the configuration of this object. Returns ------- config: Configuration of the class as dictionary """ return { "name": self.__class__.__name__, "nr_calibration_particles": self.nr_calibration_particles, }
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """ Return the configuration as json string. Per default, this converts the dictionary returned by get_config to json. Returns ------- config: Configuration of the class as json string. """ return json.dumps(self.get_config())
[docs] class ConstantPopulationSize(PopulationStrategy): """ Constant size of the different populations Parameters ---------- nr_particles: Number of particles per population. nr_calibration_particles: Number of calibration particles. """
[docs] def __init__( self, nr_particles: int, nr_calibration_particles: int = None, ): super().__init__(nr_calibration_particles=nr_calibration_particles) self.nr_particles = nr_particles
[docs] @dec_bound_pop_size_from_env def __call__(self, t: int = None) -> int: if t == -1 and self.nr_calibration_particles is not None: return self.nr_calibration_particles return self.nr_particles
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict: config = super().get_config() config["nr_particles"] = self.nr_particles return config
[docs] class AdaptivePopulationSize(PopulationStrategy): """ Adapt the population size according to the mean coefficient of variation error criterion, as detailed in [#klingerhasenaueradaptive]_ . This strategy tries to respond to the shape of the current posterior approximation by selecting the population size such that the variation of the density estimates matches the target variation given via the mean_cv argument. Parameters ---------- start_nr_particles: Number of particles in the first populations mean_cv: The error criterion. Defaults to 0.05. A smaller value leads generally to larger populations. The error criterion is the mean coefficient of variation of the estimated KDE. max_population_size: Max nr of allowed particles in a population. Defaults to infinity. min_population_size: Min number of particles allowed in a population. Defaults to 10. n_bootstrap: Number of bootstrapped populations to use to estimate the CV. Defaults to 10. nr_calibration_particles: Number of calibration particles. .. [#klingerhasenaueradaptive] Klinger, Emmanuel, and Jan Hasenauer. “A Scheme for Adaptive Selection of Population Sizes in " Approximate Bayesian Computation - Sequential Monte Carlo." Computational Methods in Systems Biology, 128-44. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, Cham, 2017. """
[docs] def __init__( self, start_nr_particles, mean_cv: float = 0.05, max_population_size: int = np.inf, min_population_size: int = 10, n_bootstrap: int = 10, nr_calibration_particles: int = None, ): super().__init__( nr_calibration_particles=nr_calibration_particles, ) self.start_nr_particles = start_nr_particles self.max_population_size = max_population_size self.min_population_size = min_population_size self.mean_cv = mean_cv self.n_bootstrap = n_bootstrap # to hold the current value self.nr_particles = start_nr_particles
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict: config = super().get_config() config["start_nr_particles"] = self.start_nr_particles config["max_population_size"] = self.max_population_size config["min_population_size"] = self.min_population_size config["mean_cv"] = self.mean_cv config["n_bootstrap"] = self.n_bootstrap return config
[docs] def update( self, transitions: List[Transition], model_weights: np.ndarray, t: int = None, ): test_X = [trans.X for trans in transitions] test_w = [trans.w for trans in transitions] reference_nr_part = self.nr_particles target_cv = self.mean_cv cv_estimate = predict_population_size( reference_nr_part, target_cv, lambda nr_particles: calc_cv( nr_particles, model_weights, self.n_bootstrap, test_w, transitions, test_X, )[0], ) if not np.isnan(cv_estimate.n_estimated): self.nr_particles = max( min(int(cv_estimate.n_estimated), self.max_population_size), self.min_population_size, ) "Change nr particles {} -> {}".format( reference_nr_part, self.nr_particles ) )
[docs] @dec_bound_pop_size_from_env def __call__(self, t: int = None) -> int: if t == -1 and self.nr_calibration_particles is not None: return self.nr_calibration_particles return self.nr_particles
[docs] class ListPopulationSize(PopulationStrategy): """ Return population size values from a predefined list. For every time point enquired later (specified by time t), an entry must exist in the list. Parameters ---------- values: List of population size values. ``values[t]`` is the value for population t. nr_calibration_particles: Number of calibration particles. """
[docs] def __init__( self, values: Union[List[int], Dict[int, int]], nr_calibration_particles: int = None, ): super().__init__(nr_calibration_particles=nr_calibration_particles) self.values = values
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict: config = super().get_config() config["values"] = self.values return config
[docs] @dec_bound_pop_size_from_env def __call__(self, t: int = None) -> int: if t == -1 and self.nr_calibration_particles is not None: return self.nr_calibration_particles return self.values[t]