Source code for pyabc.distance.pnorm

"""p-norm based (adaptive) distances."""

import logging
from numbers import Number
from typing import Callable, Collection, Dict, List, Union

import numpy as np

from ..population import Sample
from ..predictor import Predictor
from ..sumstat import IdentitySumstat, IdSubsetter, Subsetter, Sumstat
from ..util import (
from .base import Distance
from .scale import mad
from .util import bound_weights, fd_nabla1_multi_delta, log_weights

logger = logging.getLogger("ABC.Distance")

[docs] class PNormDistance(Distance): """Weighted p-norm distance. Distance between summary statistics calculated according to .. math:: d(x, y) = \ \\left [\\sum_{i} \\left| w_i ( x_i-y_i ) \\right|^{p} \\right ]^{1/p} E.g. * p=1 for a Manhattan or L1 metric, * p=2 for a Euclidean or L2 metric, * p=np.inf for a Chebyshev, maximum or inf metric. Parameters ---------- p: p for p-norm. p >= 1, p = np.inf implies max norm. fixed_weights: Weights. Dictionary indexed by time points, or only one entry if the weights should not change over time. Each entry contains a dictionary of numeric weights, indexed by summary statistics labels, or the corresponding array representation. If None is passed, a weight of 1 is considered for every summary statistic. If no entry is available for a given time point, the maximum available time point is selected. sumstat: Summary statistics transformation to apply to the model output. """
[docs] def __init__( self, p: float = 1, fixed_weights: Union[ Dict[str, float], Dict[int, Dict[str, float]] ] = None, sumstat: Sumstat = None, ): super().__init__() if sumstat is None: sumstat = IdentitySumstat() self.sumstat: Sumstat = sumstat if p < 1: raise ValueError("It must be p >= 1") self.p: float = p self._arg_fixed_weights = fixed_weights self.fixed_weights: Union[Dict[int, np.ndarray], None] = None # to cache the observed data and summary statistics self.x_0: Union[dict, None] = None self.s_0: Union[np.ndarray, None] = None
[docs] def initialize( self, t: int, get_sample: Callable[[], Sample], x_0: dict, total_sims: int, ) -> None: # initialize summary statistics self.sumstat.initialize( t=t, get_sample=get_sample, x_0=x_0, total_sims=total_sims, ) # observed data self.x_0 = x_0 self.s_0 = self.sumstat(self.x_0) # initialize weights self.fixed_weights = PNormDistance.format_dict( vals=self._arg_fixed_weights, t=t, s_ids=self.sumstat.get_ids(), )
[docs] def update( self, t: int, get_sample: Callable[[], Sample], total_sims: int, ) -> bool: # update summary statistics updated = self.sumstat.update( t=t, get_sample=get_sample, total_sims=total_sims, ) if updated: self.s_0 = self.sumstat(self.x_0) return updated
[docs] def configure_sampler(self, sampler) -> None: self.sumstat.configure_sampler(sampler=sampler)
[docs] def get_weights(self, t: int) -> np.ndarray: """Compute weights for time `t`. Generates weights from the multiple possible contributing factors. Overwrite in subclasses if there are additional weights. Parameters ---------- t: Current time point. Returns ------- The combined weights. """ fixed_weights: np.ndarray = PNormDistance.for_t_or_latest( self.fixed_weights, t ) return fixed_weights
[docs] @staticmethod def format_dict( vals: Union[Dict[str, float], Dict[int, Dict[str, float]]], t: int, s_ids: List[str], ) -> Dict[int, Union[float, np.ndarray]]: """Normalize weight dictionary to the employed format. Parameters ---------- vals: Possibly unformatted weight values. t: Current time point. s_ids: Summary statistic labels for correct conversion to array. Returns ------- Dictionary indexed by time points and, with array values. """ if vals is None: # use default vals = {t: 1.0} return vals elif isinstance(next(iter(vals.values())), Number): vals = {t: vals} # convert dicts to arrays for _t, dct in vals.items(): vals[_t] = dict2arr(dct, keys=s_ids) return vals
[docs] @staticmethod def for_t_or_latest(w: Dict[int, np.ndarray], t: int) -> np.ndarray: """Extract values from dict for given time point. Parameters ---------- w: Weights dictionary. t: Time point to extract weights for. Returns ------- The The weights at time t, or the maximal key if t is not present. """ # take last time point for which values exist if t not in w: smaller_ts = [t_ for t_ in w.keys() if t_ <= t] if len(smaller_ts) == 0: return np.asarray(1.0) t = max(smaller_ts) # extract values for time point return np.asarray(w[t])
[docs] def __call__( self, x: dict, x_0: dict, t: int = None, par: dict = None, ) -> float: # extract weights for given time point weights = self.get_weights(t=t) # compute summary statistics s, s0 = self.sumstat(x).flatten(), self.sumstat(x_0).flatten() # assert shapes match if s.shape != weights.shape and weights.shape or s.shape != s0.shape: raise AssertionError( f"Shapes do not match: s={s.shape}, s0={s0.shape}, " f"weights={weights.shape}" ) # component-wise distances distances = np.abs(weights * (s - s0)) # maximum or p-norm distance if self.p == np.inf: return distances.max() return (distances**self.p).sum() ** (1 / self.p)
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict: return { "name": self.__class__.__name__, "p": self.p, "fixed_weights": self.fixed_weights, "sumstat": self.sumstat.__str__(), }
[docs] def weights2dict( self, weights: Dict[int, np.ndarray], ) -> Dict[int, Dict[str, float]]: """Create labeled weights dictionary. Parameters ---------- weights: Array formatted weight dictionary. Returns ------- weights_dict: Key-value formatted weight dictionary. """ # assumes that the summary statistic labels do not change over time return { t: dict(zip(self.sumstat.get_ids(), weights[t])) for t in weights }
[docs] class AdaptivePNormDistance(PNormDistance): """ In the p-norm distance, adapt the weights for each generation, based on the previous simulations. This class is motivated by [#prangle]_. Parameters ---------- p: p for p-norm. Required p >= 1, p = np.inf allowed (infinity-norm). initial_scale_weights: Scale weights to be used in the initial iteration. Dictionary with observables as keys and weights as values. fixed_weights: Fixed multiplicative factors the weights are multiplied with, to e.g. account for heterogeneous numbers of data points. The discrimination of various weight types makes only sense for adaptive distances. fit_scale_ixs: Generation indices before which to (re)fit the scale weights. Inf (default) means in every generation. For other values see :class:`pyabc.EventIxs`. scale_function: (data: list, x_0: float) -> scale: float. Computes the scale (i.e. inverse weight s = 1 / w) for a given summary statistic. Here, data denotes the list of simulated summary statistics, and x_0 the observed summary statistic. Implemented are absolute_median_deviation, standard_deviation (default), centered_absolute_median_deviation, centered_standard_deviation. max_scale_weight_ratio: If not None, extreme scale weights will be bounded by the ratio times the smallest non-zero absolute scale weight. In practice usually not necessary, it is theoretically required to ensure convergence if weights are refitted in infinitely many iterations. scale_log_file: A log file to store scale weights for each time point in. Weights are currently not stored in the database. The data are saved in json format and can be retrieved via ``. all_particles_for_scale: Whether to include also rejected particles for scale calculation (True) or only accepted ones (False). sumstat: Summary statistics. Defaults to an identity mapping. .. [#prangle] Prangle, Dennis. "Adapting the ABC Distance Function". Bayesian Analysis, 2017. """
[docs] def __init__( self, p: float = 1, initial_scale_weights: Dict[str, float] = None, fixed_weights: Dict[str, float] = None, fit_scale_ixs: Union[EventIxs, Collection[int], int] = np.inf, scale_function: Callable = None, max_scale_weight_ratio: float = None, scale_log_file: str = None, all_particles_for_scale: bool = True, sumstat: Sumstat = None, ): # call p-norm constructor super().__init__(p=p, fixed_weights=fixed_weights, sumstat=sumstat) self.initial_scale_weights: Dict[str, float] = initial_scale_weights self.scale_weights: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {} # extract indices when to fit scales from input if fit_scale_ixs is None: fit_scale_ixs = {np.inf} self.fit_scale_ixs: EventIxs = EventIxs.to_instance(fit_scale_ixs) logger.debug(f"Fit scale ixs: {self.fit_scale_ixs}") if scale_function is None: scale_function = mad self.scale_function: Callable = scale_function self.max_scale_weight_ratio: float = max_scale_weight_ratio self.scale_log_file: str = scale_log_file self.all_particles_for_scale: bool = all_particles_for_scale
[docs] def configure_sampler(self, sampler) -> None: """ Make the sampler return also rejected particles, because these are needed to get a better estimate of the summary statistic variability, avoiding a bias to accepted ones only. Parameters ---------- sampler: Sampler The sampler employed. """ super().configure_sampler(sampler=sampler) if ( self.all_particles_for_scale and self.fit_scale_ixs.probably_has_late_events() ): sampler.sample_factory.record_rejected()
[docs] def initialize( self, t: int, get_sample: Callable[[], Sample], x_0: dict, total_sims: int, ) -> None: # esp. initialize sumstats super().initialize( t=t, get_sample=get_sample, x_0=x_0, total_sims=total_sims, ) # are initial weights pre-defined if self.initial_scale_weights is not None: self.scale_weights[t] = dict2arr( self.initial_scale_weights, keys=self.sumstat.get_ids() ) return if not self.fit_scale_ixs.act(t=t, total_sims=total_sims): raise ValueError( f"Initial scale weights (t={t}) must be fitted or provided." ) # execute cached function sample = get_sample() # update weights from samples self.fit_scales(t=t, sample=sample)
[docs] def update( self, t: int, get_sample: Callable[[], Sample], total_sims: int, ) -> bool: # esp. updates summary statistics updated = super().update( t=t, get_sample=get_sample, total_sims=total_sims, ) # check whether weight fitting is desired if not self.fit_scale_ixs.act(t=t, total_sims=total_sims): if updated: logger.warning( f"t={t}: Updated sumstat but not scale weights." ) return updated # execute cached function sample = get_sample() self.fit_scales(t=t, sample=sample) return True
[docs] def fit_scales( self, t: int, sample: Sample, ) -> None: """Here the real weight update happens.""" # create (n_sample, n_feature) matrix of all summary statistics if self.all_particles_for_scale: particles = sample.all_particles else: particles = sample.accepted_particles ss = np.array( [self.sumstat(p.sum_stat).flatten() for p in particles], ) # observed summary statistics s0 = self.s_0.flatten() # calculate scales scales = self.scale_function( samples=ss, s0=s0, s_ids=self.sumstat.get_ids(), t=t ) # weights are the inverse scales # a scale close to zero happens e.g. if all simulations are identical # in any case, it should be safe to ignore this statistic weights = np.zeros_like(scales) weights[~np.isclose(scales, 0)] = 1 / scales[~np.isclose(scales, 0)] # bound weights weights = bound_weights( weights, max_weight_ratio=self.max_scale_weight_ratio ) # update weights attribute self.scale_weights[t] = weights # logging log_weights( t=t, weights=self.scale_weights, keys=self.sumstat.get_ids(), label="Scale", log_file=self.scale_log_file, )
[docs] def get_weights(self, t: int) -> np.ndarray: scale_weights: np.ndarray = PNormDistance.for_t_or_latest( self.scale_weights, t ) return super().get_weights(t=t) * scale_weights
[docs] def requires_calibration(self) -> bool: if self.initial_scale_weights is None: return True return self.sumstat.requires_calibration()
[docs] def is_adaptive(self) -> bool: if self.fit_scale_ixs.probably_has_late_events(): return True return self.sumstat.is_adaptive()
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict: config = super().get_config() config.update( { "fit_scale_ixs": self.fit_scale_ixs.__repr__(), "scale_function": self.scale_function.__name__, "max_scale_weight_ratio": self.max_scale_weight_ratio, "all_particles_for_scale": self.all_particles_for_scale, } ) return config
[docs] class InfoWeightedPNormDistance(AdaptivePNormDistance): """Weight summary statistics by sensitivity of a predictor `y -> theta`.""" WEIGHTS = "weights" STD = "std" MAD = "mad" NONE = "none" FEATURE_NORMALIZATIONS = [WEIGHTS, STD, MAD, NONE]
[docs] def __init__( self, predictor: Predictor, p: float = 1, initial_scale_weights: Dict[str, float] = None, initial_info_weights: Dict[str, float] = None, fixed_weights: Dict[str, float] = None, fit_scale_ixs: Union[EventIxs, Collection, int] = np.inf, fit_info_ixs: Union[EventIxs, Collection, int] = None, normalize_by_par: bool = True, scale_function: Callable = None, max_scale_weight_ratio: float = None, max_info_weight_ratio: float = None, scale_log_file: str = None, info_log_file: str = None, info_sample_log_file: str = None, sumstat: Sumstat = None, fd_deltas: Union[List[float], float] = None, subsetter: Subsetter = None, all_particles_for_scale: bool = True, all_particles_for_prediction: bool = True, feature_normalization: str = WEIGHTS, par_trafo: ParTrafoBase = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- predictor: Predictor model used to quantify the information in data on parameters. initial_info_weights: Initial information weights. Can be passed to avoid (re)-calibration. fit_info_ixs: Generations when to fit the information weights, similar to `fit_scale_ixs`. Defaults to {9, 15}, which may not always be the smartest choice and may change in the future. In particular, consider making it dependent on the total number of simulations. normalize_by_par: Whether to normalize total sensitivities of each parameter to 1. max_info_weight_ratio: Maximum ratio on information weights, similar to `max_scale_weight_ratio`. info_log_file: Log file for the information weights. info_sample_log_file: Log file for samples used to train the regression model underlying the information weights, in npy format. Should be only a base file name, will be automatically postfixed by "{t}_{var}.npy", with var in samples, parameters, weights. fd_deltas: Finite difference step sizes. Can be a float, or a List of floats, in which case component-wise step size selection is employed. subsetter: Sample subset/cluster selection method. Defaults to just taking all samples. In the presence of e.g. multi-modalities it may make sense to reduce. all_particles_for_scale: Whether to use all particles for scale calculation (True) or only accepted ones (False). all_particles_for_prediction: Whether to include rejected particles for fitting predictor models. The same arguments apply as for `PredictorSumstat.all_particles`, i.e. not using all may yield a better local approximation. feature_normalization: What normalization to apply to the parameters before predictor model fitting. Can be any of "std" (standard deviation), "mad" (median absolute deviation), "weights" (use the inverse scale weights), or "none" (no normalization). It is recommended to match this with the `scale_function`, e.g. std or mad. Allowing to specify different normalizations (and not "weights") allows to e.g. employ outlier down-weighting in the scale function, and just normalize differently here, in order to not counteract that. par_trafo: Parameter transformations to use as targets. Defaults to identity. """ # call p-norm constructor super().__init__( p=p, initial_scale_weights=initial_scale_weights, fixed_weights=fixed_weights, fit_scale_ixs=fit_scale_ixs, scale_function=scale_function, max_scale_weight_ratio=max_scale_weight_ratio, scale_log_file=scale_log_file, all_particles_for_scale=all_particles_for_scale, sumstat=sumstat, ) self.predictor = predictor self.initial_info_weights: Dict[str, float] = initial_info_weights self.info_weights: Dict[int, np.ndarray] = {} if fit_info_ixs is None: fit_info_ixs = {9, 15} self.fit_info_ixs: EventIxs = EventIxs.to_instance(fit_info_ixs) logger.debug(f"Fit info ixs: {self.fit_info_ixs}") self.normalize_by_par: bool = normalize_by_par self.max_info_weight_ratio: float = max_info_weight_ratio self.info_log_file: str = info_log_file self.info_sample_log_file: str = info_sample_log_file self.fd_deltas: Union[List[float], float] = fd_deltas if subsetter is None: subsetter = IdSubsetter() self.subsetter: Subsetter = subsetter self.all_particles_for_prediction: bool = all_particles_for_prediction if ( feature_normalization not in InfoWeightedPNormDistance.FEATURE_NORMALIZATIONS ): raise ValueError( f"Feature normalization {feature_normalization} must be in " f"{InfoWeightedPNormDistance.FEATURE_NORMALIZATIONS}", ) self.feature_normalization: str = feature_normalization if par_trafo is None: par_trafo = ParTrafo() self.par_trafo: ParTrafoBase = par_trafo
[docs] def configure_sampler(self, sampler) -> None: """ Make the sampler return also rejected particles, because these are needed to get a better estimate of the summary statistic variability, avoiding a bias to accepted ones only. Parameters ---------- sampler: Sampler The sampler employed. """ super().configure_sampler(sampler=sampler) if ( self.all_particles_for_prediction and self.fit_info_ixs.probably_has_late_events() ): sampler.sample_factory.record_rejected()
[docs] def initialize( self, t: int, get_sample: Callable[[], Sample], x_0: dict, total_sims: int, ) -> None: # esp. initialize sumstats, weights super().initialize( t=t, get_sample=get_sample, x_0=x_0, total_sims=total_sims, ) # are initial weights pre-defined if self.initial_info_weights is not None: self.info_weights[t] = dict2arr( self.initial_info_weights, keys=self.sumstat.get_ids() ) return if not self.fit_info_ixs.act(t=t, total_sims=total_sims): return # execute cached function sample = get_sample() # initialize parameter transformations self.par_trafo.initialize( list(sample.accepted_particles[0].parameter.keys()), ) # update weights from samples self.fit_info(t=t, sample=sample)
[docs] def update( self, t: int, get_sample: Callable[[], Sample], total_sims: int, ) -> bool: # esp. updates summary statistics, weights updated = super().update( t=t, get_sample=get_sample, total_sims=total_sims, ) # check whether refitting is desired if not self.fit_info_ixs.act(t=t, total_sims=total_sims): return updated # execute cached function sample = get_sample() self.fit_info(t=t, sample=sample) return True
[docs] def fit_info( self, t: int, sample: Sample, ) -> None: """Update information weights from model fits.""" # create (n_sample, n_feature) matrix of all summary statistics sumstats, parameters, weights = read_sample( sample=sample, sumstat=self.sumstat, all_particles=self.all_particles_for_prediction, par_trafo=self.par_trafo, ) # log samples used for training log_samples( t=t, sumstats=sumstats, parameters=parameters, weights=weights, log_file=self.info_sample_log_file, ) s_0 = self.s_0.flatten() # normalize features and labels ret = InfoWeightedPNormDistance.normalize_sample( sumstats=sumstats, parameters=parameters, weights=weights, s_0=s_0, t=t, subsetter=self.subsetter, feature_normalization=self.feature_normalization, scale_weights=self.scale_weights, ) x, y, weights, use_ixs, x0 = ( ret[key] for key in ("x", "y", "weights", "use_ixs", "x0") ) # learn predictor model, y=y, w=weights) # calculate all sensitivities of the predictor at the observed data sensis = InfoWeightedPNormDistance.calculate_sensis( predictor=self.predictor, fd_deltas=self.fd_deltas, x0=x0, n_x=x.shape[1], n_y=y.shape[1], par_trafo=self.par_trafo, normalize_by_par=self.normalize_by_par, ) # the weight of a sumstat is the sum of the sensitivities over all # parameters info_weights_red = np.sum(sensis, axis=1) if np.allclose(info_weights_red, 0): info_weights_red = 1 * np.ones_like(info_weights_red)"All info weights zeros, thus resetting to ones.") else: # in order to make each sumstat count a little, avoid zero values zero_info = np.isclose(info_weights_red, 0) # minimum non-zero entry min_info = np.min(info_weights_red[~zero_info]) info_weights_red[zero_info] = min_info / 10 # project onto full sumstat vector and normalize by scale info_weights = np.zeros_like(s_0, dtype=float) use_ixs = np.asarray(use_ixs, dtype=bool) info_weights[use_ixs] = info_weights_red # bound weights info_weights = bound_weights( info_weights, max_weight_ratio=self.max_info_weight_ratio ) # update weights attribute self.info_weights[t] = info_weights # logging log_weights( t=t, weights=self.info_weights, keys=self.sumstat.get_ids(), label="Info", log_file=self.info_log_file, )
[docs] @staticmethod def normalize_sample( sumstats: np.ndarray, parameters: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray, s_0: np.ndarray, t: int, subsetter: Subsetter, feature_normalization: str, scale_weights: Dict[int, np.ndarray], ) -> Dict: """Normalize samples prior to regression model training. Parameters ---------- sumstats: Model outputs or summary statistics, shape (n_sample, n_x). parameters: Parameter values, shape (n_sample, n_y). weights: Importance sampling weights, shape (n_sample,). s_0: Observed data, shape (n_x,). t: Time point, only needed together with scale_weights. subsetter: Subset creator. feature_normalization: Method of feature normalization. scale_weights: Dictionary of scale weights, only used if feature_normalization=="weights". Returns ------- ret: Dictionary with keys x, y, weights, use_ixs, x0. """ # subset sample sumstats, parameters, weights = x=sumstats, y=parameters, w=weights, ) # define features x = sumstats # define feature scaling if feature_normalization == InfoWeightedPNormDistance.WEIGHTS: if scale_weights is None: raise ValueError("Requiested scale weights but None passed") scale_weights = scale_weights[t] offset_x = np.zeros_like(scale_weights) scale_x = np.zeros_like(scale_weights) use_ixs = ~np.isclose(scale_weights, 0.0) scale_x[use_ixs] = 1.0 / scale_weights[use_ixs] elif feature_normalization == InfoWeightedPNormDistance.STD: # std offset_x = np.nanmean(x, axis=0) scale_x = np.nanstd(x, axis=0) elif feature_normalization == InfoWeightedPNormDistance.MAD: offset_x = np.nanmedian(x, axis=0) scale_x = np.nanmedian(np.abs(x - offset_x), axis=0) elif feature_normalization == InfoWeightedPNormDistance.NONE: offset_x = np.zeros(shape=x.shape[1]) scale_x = np.ones(shape=x.shape[1]) else: raise ValueError( f"Feature normalization {feature_normalization} must be " f"in {InfoWeightedPNormDistance.FEATURE_NORMALIZATIONS}", ) # remove trivial features use_ixs = ~np.isclose(scale_x, 0.0) x, offset_x, scale_x = ( x[:, use_ixs], offset_x[use_ixs], scale_x[use_ixs], ) # normalize features x = (x - offset_x) / scale_x # normalize observed features x0 = (s_0[use_ixs] - offset_x) / scale_x # normalize labels y = parameters mean_y = np.mean(y, axis=0) std_y = np.std(y, axis=0) y = (y - mean_y) / std_y return { "x": x, "y": y, "weights": weights, "use_ixs": use_ixs, "x0": x0, }
[docs] @staticmethod def calculate_sensis( predictor: Predictor, fd_deltas: Union[List[float], float], x0: np.ndarray, n_x: int, n_y: int, par_trafo: ParTrafoBase, normalize_by_par: bool, ): """Calculate normalized predictor sensitivities. Parameters ---------- predictor: Fitted predictor model. fd_deltas: Finite difference step sizes. x0: Observed data, shape (n_x). n_x: Data dimension. n_y: Transformed parameter dimension. par_trafo: Parameter transformations, shape (n_y). normalize_by_par: Whether to normalize sensitivities by parameters. Returns ------- sensis: Sensitivities, shape (n_x, n_y). """ def fun(_x): """Predictor function.""" return predictor.predict(_x.reshape(1, -1)).flatten() # calculate sensitivities # shape (n_x, n_y) sensis = fd_nabla1_multi_delta(x=x0, fun=fun, test_deltas=fd_deltas) if sensis.shape != (n_x, n_y): raise AssertionError("Sensitivity shape did not match.") # we are only interested in absolute values sensis = np.abs(sensis) # total sensitivities per parameter sensi_per_y = np.sum(sensis, axis=0) # identify parameters that have mostly zero gradients throughout y_has_sensi = ~np.isclose(sensi_per_y, 0.0) # set values of near-zero contribution to zero sensis[:, ~y_has_sensi] = 0 # log if not y_has_sensi.all(): par_trafo_ids = par_trafo.get_ids() insensi_par_keys = [ par_trafo_ids[ix] for ix in np.flatnonzero(~y_has_sensi) ]"Zero info for parameters {insensi_par_keys}") if normalize_by_par: # normalize sums over sumstats to 1 sensis[:, y_has_sensi] /= sensi_per_y[y_has_sensi] return sensis
[docs] def get_weights(self, t: int) -> np.ndarray: info_weights: np.ndarray = PNormDistance.for_t_or_latest( self.info_weights, t ) return super().get_weights(t=t) * info_weights
[docs] def requires_calibration(self) -> bool: if self.initial_info_weights is None: return True return self.sumstat.requires_calibration()
[docs] def is_adaptive(self) -> bool: if self.fit_info_ixs.probably_has_late_events(): return True return super().is_adaptive()
[docs] def get_config(self) -> dict: config = super().get_config() config.update( { "predictor": self.predictor.__str__(), "fit_info_ixs": self.fit_info_ixs.__repr__(), "scale_function": self.scale_function.__name__, "max_info_weight_ratio": self.max_info_weight_ratio, } ) return config