Source code for pyabc.acceptor.acceptor


After summary statistics of samples for given parameters have
been generated, it must be checked whether these are to be
accepted or not. This happens in the Acceptor class.

The most typical and simple way is to compute the distance
between simulated and observed summary statistics, and accept
if this distance is below some epsilon threshold. However, also
more complex acceptance criteria are possible, in particular
when the distance measure and epsilon criteria develop over

import logging
from typing import Callable, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..distance import SCALE_LIN, Distance, StochasticKernel
from ..epsilon import Epsilon
from ..parameters import Parameter
from import save_dict_to_json
from .pdf_norm import pdf_norm_from_kernel, pdf_norm_max_found

logger = logging.getLogger("ABC.Acceptor")

[docs] class AcceptorResult(dict): """ Result of an acceptance step. Parameters ---------- distance: Distance value obtained. accept: A flag indicating the recommendation to accept or reject. More specifically: True: The distance is below the acceptance threshold. False: The distance is above the acceptance threshold. weight: Weight associated with the evaluation, which may need to be taken into account via importance sampling when calculating the parameter weight. Defaults to 1.0. """
[docs] def __init__(self, distance: float, accept: bool, weight: float = 1.0): super().__init__() self.distance = distance self.accept = accept self.weight = weight
def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key) __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
[docs] class Acceptor: """ The acceptor class encodes the acceptance step. This class is abstract and cannot be invoked itself. """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Default constructor. """ pass
[docs] def initialize( self, t: int, get_weighted_distances: Callable[[], pd.DataFrame], distance_function: Distance, x_0: dict, ): """ Initialize. This method is called by the ABCSMC framework initially, and can be used to calibrate the acceptor to initial statistics. The default is to do nothing. Parameters ---------- t: The timepoint to initialize the acceptor for. get_weighted_distances: Returns on demand the distances for initializing the acceptor. distance_function: Distance object. The acceptor should not modify it, but might extract some meta information. x_0: The observed summary statistics. """ pass
[docs] def update( self, t: int, get_weighted_distances: Callable[[], pd.DataFrame], prev_temp: float, acceptance_rate: float, ): """ Update the acceptance criterion. Parameters ---------- t: The timepoint to initialize the acceptor for. get_weighted_distances: Callable[[], pd.DataFrame] The past generation's weighted distances. prev_temp: The past generation's temperature. acceptance_rate: The past generation's acceptance rate. """ pass
[docs] def __call__( self, distance_function: Distance, eps: Epsilon, x: dict, x_0: dict, t: int, par: Parameter, ): """ Compute distance between summary statistics and evaluate whether to accept or reject. All concrete implementations must implement this method. Parameters ---------- distance_function: The distance function. The user is free to use or ignore this function. eps: The acceptance thresholds. The user is free to use or ignore this object. x: Current summary statistics to evaluate. x_0: The observed summary statistics. t: Time point for which to check. par: The model parameters used to simulate x. Returns ------- An AcceptorResult. .. note:: Currently, only one value encoding the distance is returned (and stored in the database), namely that at time t, even if also other distances affect the acceptance decision, e.g. distances from previous iterations, or in general if the distance is not scalar. This is because the last distance is likely to be most informative for the further process, and because in some parts of ABC a scalar distance value is required. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def requires_calibration(self) -> bool: """ Whether the class requires an initial calibration, based on samples from the prior. Default: False. """ return False
[docs] def is_adaptive(self) -> bool: """ Whether the class is dynamically updated after each generation, based on the last generation's available data. Default: False. """ return False
# pylint: disable=R0201
[docs] def get_epsilon_config(self, t: int) -> dict: """ Create a configuration object that contains all values of interest for the update of the Epsilon object. Parameters ---------- t: The timepoint for which to get the config. Returns ------- config: The relevant information. """ return {}
[docs] class FunctionAcceptor(Acceptor): """ Initialize from function. Parameters ---------- fun: Callable with the same signature as the __call__ method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, fun: Callable): super().__init__() = fun
[docs] def __call__(self, distance_function, eps, x, x_0, t, par): return, eps, x, x_0, t, par)
[docs] @staticmethod def to_acceptor(maybe_acceptor: Union[Acceptor, Callable]) -> Acceptor: """ Create an acceptor object from input. Parameters ---------- maybe_acceptor: Either pass a full acceptor, or a callable which is then filled into a SimpleAcceptor. Returns ------- acceptor: Acceptor An Acceptor object in either case. """ if isinstance(maybe_acceptor, Acceptor): return maybe_acceptor else: return FunctionAcceptor(maybe_acceptor)
def accept_use_current_time(distance_function, eps, x, x_0, t, par): """ Use only the distance function and epsilon criterion at the current time point to evaluate whether to accept or reject. """ d = distance_function(x, x_0, t, par) accept = d <= eps(t) return AcceptorResult(distance=d, accept=accept) def accept_use_complete_history(distance_function, eps, x, x_0, t, par): """ Use the acceptance criteria from the complete history to evaluate whether to accept or reject. This includes time points 0,...,t, as far as these are available. If either the distance function or the epsilon criterion cannot handle any time point in this interval, the resulting error is simply intercepted and the respective time not used for evaluation. This situation can frequently occur when continuing a stopped run. A different behavior is easy to implement. .. note:: This may not work as intended or at all when using adaptive summary statistics. """ # first test current criterion, which is most likely to fail d = distance_function(x, x_0, t, par) accept = d <= eps(t) if accept: # also check against all previous distances and acceptance criteria for t_prev in range(0, t): try: d_prev = distance_function(x, x_0, t_prev, par) accept = d_prev <= eps(t_prev) if not accept: break except Exception: # ignore as of now accept = True return AcceptorResult(distance=d, accept=accept)
[docs] class UniformAcceptor(Acceptor): """ Base acceptance on the distance function and a uniform error distribution between -eps and +eps. This is the most common acceptance criterion in ABC. """
[docs] def __init__(self, use_complete_history: bool = False): """ Parameters ---------- use_complete_history: Whether to compare to all previous distances and epsilons, or use only the current distance time (default). This can be of interest with adaptive distances, in order to guarantee nested acceptance regions. """ super().__init__() self.use_complete_history = use_complete_history
[docs] def __call__(self, distance_function, eps, x, x_0, t, par): if self.use_complete_history: return accept_use_complete_history( distance_function, eps, x, x_0, t, par ) else: # use only current time return accept_use_current_time( distance_function, eps, x, x_0, t, par )
[docs] class StochasticAcceptor(Acceptor): """ This acceptor implements a stochastic acceptance step based on a probability density, generalizing from the uniform acceptance kernel. A particle is accepted if for the simulated summary statistics x, observed summary statistics x_0 and parameters theta holds .. math:: \\frac{\\text{pdf}(x_0|x,\\theta)}{c}\\geq u where u ~ U[0,1], and c is a normalizing constant. The concept is based on [#wilkinson]_. In addition, we introduce acceptance kernel temperation and rejection control importance sampling to permit a more flexible choice and adaptation of c. .. [#wilkinson] Wilkinson, Richard David; "Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) gives exact results under the assumption of model error"; Statistical applications in genetics and molecular biology 12.2 (2013): 129-141. """
[docs] def __init__( self, pdf_norm_method: Callable = None, apply_importance_weighting: bool = True, log_file: str = None, ): """ Parameters ---------- pdf_norm_method: Function to calculate a pdf normalization (denoted `c` above). Shipped are `pyabc.acceptor.pdf_norm_from_kernel` to use the value provided by the StochasticKernel, and `pyabc.acceptor.pdf_norm_max_found` (default) to always use the maximum value among accepted particles so far. Note that re-weighting based on ideas from rejection control importance sampling to handle the normalization constant being insufficient, and thus avoiding an importance sampling bias, is included either way. apply_importance_weighting: Whether to apply weights to correct for a bias induced by samples exceeding the density normalization. This may be False usually only for testing purposes. log_file: A log file for storing data of the acceptor that are currently not saved in the database. The data are saved in json format and can be retrieved via ``. """ super().__init__() if pdf_norm_method is None: pdf_norm_method = pdf_norm_max_found self.pdf_norm_method = pdf_norm_method self.apply_importance_weighting = apply_importance_weighting self.log_file = log_file # maximum pdfs, indexed by time self.pdf_norms = {} # fields to be filled later self.x_0 = None self.kernel_scale = None self.kernel_pdf_max = None
[docs] def requires_calibration(self) -> bool: # this check is rather superficial and may be improved by a re-design # of `pdf_norm_method` return self.pdf_norm_method != pdf_norm_from_kernel
[docs] def is_adaptive(self) -> bool: # this check is rather superficial and may be improved by a re-design # of `pdf_norm_method` return self.pdf_norm_method != pdf_norm_from_kernel
[docs] def initialize( self, t: int, get_weighted_distances: Callable[[], pd.DataFrame], distance_function: StochasticKernel, x_0: dict, ): """ Initialize temperature and maximum pdf. """ self.x_0 = x_0 self.kernel_scale = distance_function.ret_scale self.kernel_pdf_max = distance_function.pdf_max # update self._update(t, get_weighted_distances)
[docs] def update( self, t: int, get_weighted_distances: Callable[[], pd.DataFrame], prev_temp: float, acceptance_rate: float, ): self._update(t, get_weighted_distances, prev_temp, acceptance_rate)
def _update( self, t: int, get_weighted_distances: Callable[[], pd.DataFrame], prev_temp: float = None, acceptance_rate: float = 1.0, ): """ Update schemes for the upcoming time point t. """ # update pdf normalization pdf_norm = self.pdf_norm_method( kernel_val=self.kernel_pdf_max, get_weighted_distances=get_weighted_distances, prev_pdf_norm=None if not self.pdf_norms else max(self.pdf_norms.values()), acceptance_rate=acceptance_rate, prev_temp=prev_temp, ) self.pdf_norms[t] = pdf_norm self.log(t) def log(self, t): logger.debug(f"pdf_norm={self.pdf_norms[t]:.4e} for t={t}.") if self.log_file: save_dict_to_json(self.pdf_norms, self.log_file)
[docs] def get_epsilon_config(self, t: int) -> dict: """ Pack the pdf normalization and the kernel scale. """ return { 'pdf_norm': self.pdf_norms[t], 'kernel_scale': self.kernel_scale, # TODO Refactor }
[docs] def __call__( self, distance_function: StochasticKernel, eps, x, x_0, t, par ): # rename kernel = distance_function # temperature temp = eps(t) # compute probability density density = kernel(x, x_0, t, par) pdf_norm = self.pdf_norms[t] # compute acceptance probability if kernel.ret_scale == SCALE_LIN: acc_prob = (density / pdf_norm) ** (1 / temp) else: # kernel.ret_scale == SCALE_LOG acc_prob = np.exp((density - pdf_norm) * (1 / temp)) # accept threshold = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1) if acc_prob >= threshold: accept = True else: accept = False # weight if acc_prob == 0.0: weight = 0.0 elif self.apply_importance_weighting: weight = acc_prob / min(1, acc_prob) else: weight = 1.0 # check pdf max ok if pdf_norm < density: logger.debug( f"Encountered density={density:.4e} > c={pdf_norm:.4e}, " f"thus weight={weight:.4e}." ) # return unscaled density value and the acceptance flag return AcceptorResult(density, accept, weight)